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Postcard Rate denom (#18567)

  • Colnect-2221-698-Leopard-Panthera-pardus.jpg
  • Colnect-543-146-African-Elephant-Loxodonta-africana.jpg
  • NA001.08.jpg
  • NA007.08.jpg
  • NA019.08.jpg
  • NA001.09.jpg
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  • NA009.09.jpg
  • NA008.09.jpg
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  • NA005.09.jpg
  • NA020.09.jpg
  • NA001.10.jpg
  • NA010.10.jpg
  • NA009.10.jpg
  • NA008.10.jpg
  • NA007.10.jpg
  • NA006.10.jpg
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  • NA002.10.jpg
  • NA004.11.jpg
  • NA006.11.jpg
  • NA009.11.jpg
  • NA007.11.jpg
  • NA008.11.jpg
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  • NA010.12.jpg
  • NA013.12.jpg
  • NA014.12.jpg
  • NA015.12.jpg
  • NA023.12.jpg
  • NA019.12.jpg
  • NA025.13.jpg
  • NA026.13.jpg
  • NA001.14.jpg
  • NA013.14.jpg
  • NA016.14.jpg
  • NA015.14.jpg
  • NA014.14.jpg
  • NA017.14.jpg
  • NA002.16.jpg
  • Colnect-3744-581-Goliath-Heron-Ardea-goliath.jpg
  • Colnect-5012-727-Swainson-s-Spurfowl-Pternistis-swainsonii.jpg
  • Colnect-5843-764-African-Cuckoo.jpg
  • Colnect-6076-032-Leopard-Panthera-pardus.jpg
  • Colnect-6076-033-Cheetah-Acinonyx-jubatus.jpg
  • Colnect-6076-034-Lion-Panthera-leo.jpg
Desc: Postcard Rate

Currency: Namibian dollar (100c=1$)

Numerical sorting value: 0

Equivalent denoms: $ (1), C (18), Inland Registered Mail (11), Inland Registered Mail Paid (2), Non Standard Mail (19), Non-standard Mail (5), non-standard registered mail (2), Postcardrate (36), Registered (34), Registered Inland Mail Paid (1), Registered Mail (8), Registered Non Standard Mail (2), Registered Non-Standard Mail (1), Standard (47), Standard inland mail (2), Standard Mail (48), Standard Postage (21), standardised mail (1), Zone A (14), Zone B (20), Zone C (8)

Users of this denom: Namibia (95 stamps, 1997-2024)

Used by 95 stamps of Namibia: (See all uses as list)

11/3/1997 Postcard Rate issue=1997 dt=flora and fauna (1997 Namibia) d=Panthera pardus (1997 Namibia)
11/3/1997 Postcard Rate issue=Animals and the 25th Anniversary of Communique of Shanghai - Self-Adhesive Stamps d=Value: $1.20 - Panthera pardus
8/27/2003 Postcard Rate issue=National Monuments, Heroes Acre, Windhoek
2/2/2004 Postcard Rate issue=Honey Bees, Apis mellifica scutellata & Flowers d=Aloe sp.
7/7/2004 Postcard Rate issue=Historical Buildings of Bethanie
7/22/2005 Postcard Rate issue=Plants with Medicinal Value d=Citrullus lanatus (2005)
6/20/2006 Postcard Rate issue=2006 surcharges b d=Giraffa camelopardalis (2006)
6/20/2006 Postcard Rate issue=2006 surcharges b d=Coracias caudata (2006)
3/22/2007 Postcard Rate issue=100th Anniversary of Etosha National Park d=Melierax gabar
3/22/2007 Postcard Rate issue=100th Anniversary of Etosha National Park d=Connochaetes taurinus (2007)
3/22/2007 Postcard Rate issue=100th Anniversary of Etosha National Park d=Acacia tortilis (2007)
3/22/2007 Postcard Rate issue=100th Anniversary of Etosha National Park d=Quelea quelea (2007)
3/22/2007 Postcard Rate issue=100th Anniversary of Etosha National Park d=Salvadora persica
3/22/2007 Postcard Rate issue=100th Anniversary of Etosha National Park d=Anax tristis
3/22/2007 Postcard Rate issue=100th Anniversary of Etosha National Park d=Antidorcas marsupialis (2007)
3/22/2007 Postcard Rate issue=100th Anniversary of Etosha National Park d=Agama aculeata
3/22/2007 Postcard Rate issue=100th Anniversary of Etosha National Park d=Equus burchelli (2007)
3/22/2007 Postcard Rate issue=100th Anniversary of Etosha National Park d=Loxodonta africana (2007)
2/28/2008 Postcard Rate dt=weaver birds of Namibia d=White-browed sparrow weaver
3/3/2008 Postcard Rate dt=Euphorbias of Namibia d=Euphorbia virosa
8/8/2008 Postcard Rate dt=Ediacaran fossils
2/2/2009 Postcard Rate dt=eagles (2009) d=bateleur (2009)
4/10/2009 Postcard Rate issue=The Brandberg d=CMR Beetle Mylabris oculata
4/10/2009 Postcard Rate issue=The Brandberg d=Jordan's Girdled Lizard
4/10/2009 Postcard Rate issue=The Brandberg d=Brandberg Halfmens
4/10/2009 Postcard Rate issue=The Brandberg d=Jameson's Red Rock Rabbit
4/10/2009 Postcard Rate issue=The Brandberg d=Bokmakiri
4/10/2009 Postcard Rate issue=The Brandberg d=Kobas Cyphostemma curiorii
4/10/2009 Postcard Rate issue=The Brandberg d=leopard (2009)
4/10/2009 Postcard Rate issue=The Brandberg d=Quiver Tree
4/10/2009 Postcard Rate issue=The Brandberg d=Third Highest Peakon Brandberg - Numasfels
4/10/2009 Postcard Rate issue=The Brandberg d=augur buzzard
7/3/2009 Postcard Rate dt=wild horses of Namibia
2/8/2010 Postcard Rate dt=endangered species of Namibia d=Cape vulture (2010)
2/8/2010 Postcard Rate dt=endangered species of Namibia d=wattled crane
2/8/2010 Postcard Rate dt=endangered species of Namibia d=Gazania thermalis
2/8/2010 Postcard Rate dt=endangered species of Namibia d=leatherback turtle (2010)
2/8/2010 Postcard Rate dt=endangered species of Namibia d=Nama-padloper Tortoise
2/8/2010 Postcard Rate dt=endangered species of Namibia d=wild dog
2/8/2010 Postcard Rate dt=endangered species of Namibia d=Hook-lipped Rhinoceros
2/8/2010 Postcard Rate dt=endangered species of Namibia d=cheetah (2010)
2/8/2010 Postcard Rate dt=endangered species of Namibia d=White Namib toktokkie
2/8/2010 Postcard Rate dt=endangered species of Namibia d=Giant Quiver Tree
1/28/2011 Postcard Rate issue=The Big Five d=elephant (2011 Namibia)
3/23/2011 Postcard Rate dt=frogs of Namibia d=Angolan Reed Frog
3/23/2011 Postcard Rate dt=frogs of Namibia d=Tandy's sand frog (Tomopterna tandyi)
3/23/2011 Postcard Rate dt=frogs of Namibia d=Bubbling Kassina
3/23/2011 Postcard Rate dt=frogs of Namibia d=Long Reed Frog
6/21/2011 Postcard Rate dt=aloes of Namibia d=Aloe gariepensis
2/13/2012 Postcard Rate issue=2012 dt=Endemic and Near-Endemic birds of Namibia d=Dune Lark
(plus 45 more) (See all uses as list)