Stamps of Malta, 0 perf

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1904 1904 issue wmk. mult crown & CA (no perf info)
X 1f dkbrn harbor

1922, Aug 1 1922e issue wmk. mult crown & script CA
X 2 1/2p ultra Melita

1926 1926 issue
- 2 1/2p bl King George V
- 4 1/2p och & vio King George V

1926, Apr 1 1926 postage issue ovpted
X 2 1/2p ultra ovpt, Melita

1928, Oct 1 1928 postage and revenue issue ovpted
- 1p orgbrn ovpt, King George V, w. mult crown & script CA
- 1 1/2p red on issue=1926-1 1/2p-red-unissued (0)
- 2 1/2p bl ovpt, King George V, w. mult crown & script CA
- 4 1/2p och & vio ovpt, King George V, w. mult crown & script CA

1930, Oct 20
- 1sh blk King George V postage & revenue
- 1sh6p grn & blk King George V postage & revenue
- 2sh pur & blk King George V postage & revenue
- 3sh King George V postage & revenue

1930, Oct 20
- 5sh grn & blk Mnajdra

1930, Oct 20
- 10sh red & blk King George V postage & revenue

1935, May 6 Silver Jubilee issue
X 1/2p grn & blk Windsor Castle & King George V
X 2 1/2p viobl & redbrn Windsor Castle & King George V
X 6p ol & bl Windsor Castle & King George V
X 1sh pur & gray Windsor Castle & King George V

1938, Feb 17 1938 issue
X 2sh6p red & blk Statue of Neptune & King George VI

1948, Nov 25 1947 issue ovpted (7 stamps)
X 1p sl on issue=1938-1p-sl-unissued (0) (1953)
X 1 1/2p grn on issue=1938-1 1/2p-grn-unissued (0) (1953)
X 2p org on issue=1938-2p-org-unissued (0) (1953)
X 2 1/2p red on issue=1938-2 1/2p-red-unissued (0) (1953)
X 3p vio on issue=1938-3p-vio-unissued (0) (1953)
X 4 1/2p ultra & olgrn on issue=1938-4 1/2p-ultra&olgrn-unissued (0) (1953)
X 2sh6p red & blk ovpt, Statue of Neptune & King George VI, w. mult crown & script CA

1949, Jan 4 Silver Wedding issue
X 1p grn Queen Elizabeth & King George VI

1949, Oct 10 UPU 75th issue
X 3p dkbl
X 6p car

1951, Jul 12 scapular presentation to St Simon Stock 700th issue
X 1p grn crowned Madonna & child
X 3p vio crowned Madonna & child
X 1sh blk crowned Madonna & child

1954, Sep 8 Dogma 100th issue
X 1 1/2p grn
X 3p ultra
X 1sh blk

1956, Jan 23 Elizabeth II pictorials issue
X 2sh6p chnt monument of G.M. Cottoner & Queen Elizabeth II
X 5sh emer monument of G.M. Perellos & Queen Elizabeth II
X 10sh car St Paul & Queen Elizabeth II
X 1lb yelbrn Baptism of Christ & Queen Elizabeth II (1957)

1957, Apr 15 George Cross 1957 issue
X 1 1/2p defense
X 3p red & sil searchlights over Malta

1958, Feb 15 technical education issue wmk. St Edwards crown & CA
X 1 1/2p symbols of design
X 3p
X 1sh

1958, Apr 15 George Cross 1958 issue
X 1 1/2p blk & blgrn family & searchlights
X 3p blk & scar & gray raid on Grand Harbour
X 1sh blk & redvio searchlight Crew

1959, Apr 15 George Cross 1959 issue
X 1 1/2p multi Soldier with air raid casualties
X 3p multi
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