Stamps of Panama

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301 to 350 of 1846


1948 Colon Fire Department 50th issue unwmk p. 12
X 20c bl & blk firefighters pulling hose cart
X 25c New Central Fire Station
X 50c vio & blk Commander Maximino Walker
X 1b blgrn & blk JJ Amadeo Ducruet

1948 Cervantes 400th issue
X 2c red & blk Miguel de Cervantes

1949, May 23 Chiriqui Province 100th issue ovpted
X 1c on 2c ver oxcart with sugarcane redrawn
X 2c ver ovpt, oxcart with sugarcane redrawn

1949, Sep UPU 75th issue ovpted
X 1c dkgrn ovpt, farm girl, w. unwmk, p. 12
X 2c ver ovpt, oxcart with sugarcane redrawn, w. unwmk, p. 12
X 5c bl ovpt, Balboa

1949, Dec 7 University of San Javier 200th issue unwmk p. 12
X 2c car & blk de Luna

1950 1950 issue
X 2c ver & blk oxcart with sugarcane redrawn
X 5c bl Balboa taking possession of Pacific

1950, Jan 12
X 2c Carlos Finlay

1950, Aug 17 San Martin death 100th issue ovpted
- 1c dkgrn ovpt, farm girl
X 2c on 1/2c multi flag of Panama
X 5c ovpt, Balboa Taking Possession of the Pacific

1951, Sep 26 de la Salle 300th issue
X 2c
X 5c

1952 ovpted
X 1c on 1/2c multi flag of Panama

X 10c pur & org Golden Altar of San José

1952, Oct 20 Queen Isabella 500th issue
X 1c grn & blk Queen Isabella
X 2c red & blk Queen Isabella
X 5c bl & blk Queen Isabella
X 10c vio & blk Queen Isabella

1953 ovpted (no wmk info) (no perf info)
X 1c on 15c blk Santo Tomas hospital

1953 ovpted unwmk p. 12
X 1c on 10c pur & org Golden Altar of San José

1953, Nov 3 republic 50th issue (6 stamps)
X 2c dkvio Baptism of the Flag, w. unwmk
X 5c redorg Manuel Amador Guerrero & Maria Ossa de Amador, w. unwmk
X 12c pur J. A. Santos and J. De La Ossa, w. unwmk
X 20c w. unwmk
X 50c
X 1b

1954 unwmk
X 1c farm girl
X 3c on 1c farm girl

1954 Herrera death 100th issue (no wmk info)
X 3c pur

1955 unwmk
X 1/2c orgbrn Tocumen International Airport

1955, Jun 1 Jose Cantera memorial issue
X 3c Jose Cantera

1955, Sep 13 Cocle province 100th issue
X 5c vio Victor de la Guardia y Ayala & Miguel Chiari

1955, Nov 16 Lesseps 150th issue
X 3c Ferdinand de Lesseps
X 25c
X 50c Theodore Roosevelt

1956, Jul 2 popes named Pius (no perf info) (8 stamps)
- 2c ltgrn Pius I
- 3c carrose Pius II
- 4c brnred Pius III
- 5c ltvio Pius IV
- 6c graybl Pius V
- 10c ltbl Pius VI
- 20c grn Pius VII
- 25c red Pius VIII
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301 to 350 of 1846