Stamps, 14.25 perf

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1983, Apr 5 World Communications Year issue wmk. St Edwards crown & CA p. 14.25
- 15c multi TV, satellite, TV camera
- 50c multi Police Radio Car
- 60c multi Long Distance Phone Call
- $3 multi dish antenna Planets

1983, Jul 11 1983 issue - fruits and flowers (1983) (18 stamps)
- 1c multi Anacardium occidentale .20
- 2c multi Passiflora laurifolia .20
- 3c multi Mangifera indica .20
- 5c multi Citrus paradisi .20
- 10c multi Carica papaya
- 15c multi Artocarpus communis
- 20c multi Cocos nucifera
- 25c multi Nerium oleander
X 30c multi Musa paradisiaca
- 40c multi Ananas comosus
- 45c multi Cordia sebestena
- 50c multi Cassia fistula
X 60c multi Tabebuia serratifolia
- $1 multi Plumeria acuminata
- $2 multi Delonix regia
- $2.50 multi Citrus limon
- $5 multi Guaiacum officinale
- $10 multi

1983, Nov 7 200th Anniversary of the Methodist Church issue
- 15c multi John Wesley
- 50c multi Nathaniel Gilbert
- 60c multi St John’s Methodist Church Steeple
- $3 multi Ebenezer Methodist Church St. John's

1986, May 15 Local Boats 1986 issue - Local Boats (1986) (5 stamps)
- 30c multi tugboat .20
- 60c multi fishing boat
- $1 multi Sailboat 2056
- $4 multi Lateen-rigged sailboat
- $5 multi

1986, Jul 1 Royal Wedding 1986 issue
- 45c multi Prince Andrew and Miss Sarah Ferguson
- 60c multi Prince Andrew
- $4 multi Prince Andrew with Prince Philip
- $5 multi

1992, Oct 19 Inventors and Inventions issue - Inventors and Inventions unwmk (8 stamps)
- 10c multi Ts'ai Lun & paper .20 .20
- 25c multi Igor Sikorsky and "Bolshoi Baltiskii"
- 30c multi Alexander Graham Bell & early telephone
- 40c multi Johannes Gutenberg
- 60c multi James Watt
- $1 multi Anton van Leeuwenhoek & early microscope
- $4 multi Louis Braille & hands reading Braille
- $5 multi Galileo Galilei & telescope

1992, Dec 14 International Space Year issue
- 10c multi cosmonauts
- $4 multi China's Long March Booster

1992, Dec 14 75th Anniversary of the Death of Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin issue
- 40c multi "Graf Zeppelin" (Airship), 1929
- $6 multi Hugo Eckener

1992, Dec 14 150th Anniversary of the Anglican Diocese of the Northeastern Caribbean and Aruba issue
- 45c multi

1992, Dec 14 25th Anniversary of the Death of Konrad Adenauer issue
- 75c multi Konrad Adenauer
- $4 multi flag of Germany & flag of NATO
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