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  • Colnect-2503-795-Map.jpg
  • Colnect-608-200-Anniversary-death-of-Francisco-de-Miranda.jpg
  • Colnect-1703-514-Castellorizo.jpg
  • Colnect-1696-118-Map.jpg
  • Colnect-768-338-Map-Showing-Disputed-Areas.jpg
  • Colnect-1525-096-Albatross-flying-over-Map-of-the-Americas.jpg
  • Colnect-169-267-Portrait-of-Amerigo-Vespucci-and-map.jpg
  • MC026.08.jpg
  • Colnect-159-622-Hanko-Hang%C3%B6---Peninsula-and-City-Coat-of-Arms.jpg
  • Colnect-2395-289-Astrolabe-Polynesian-reed-map.jpg
  • Colnect-2097-460-Canadian-Broadcasting-Corporation---Map-and-CBC-Logo.jpg
  • Colnect-3930-352-17-th-Worldesign-ICSID.jpg
  • Colnect-4280-037-16th-century-Blood-Money-coins.jpg
  • Colnect-122-809-Compass-and-Map.jpg
  • ArmenianStamps-005.jpg
  • Colnect-3471-231-Plane-over-map-of-Costa-Rica.jpg
  • Colnect-2414-100-Map-of-Transjordan-Torch-Peacedove.jpg
  • Colnect-2286-926-E-Pinto-Martins.jpg
  • Colnect-675-306-Gearwheel-over-Map.jpg
  • Colnect-1428-441-Torch-and-Constitution.jpg
  • Stamp_of_USSR_2312.jpg
  • Colnect-666-372-Horseman-and-map.jpg
  • Colnect-989-410-Fiftieth-anniversary-of-the-O-IT.jpg
  • Colnect-5684-409-1st-Anniv-of-Arvi-Satellite-Earth-Station.jpg
  • Colnect-2616-850-Arab-Summit-Conference.jpg
  • Colnect-2697-939-Map-and-Compass.jpg
  • Colnect-2273-066-Afro-Asian-Islamic-Conference.jpg
  • Colnect-3366-899-Flag-and-Open-Book.jpg
  • Colnect-1736-912-Map-of-Iran-Shah.jpg
  • Colnect-1077-650-Weapon-and-Dove.jpg
  • Colnect-1666-081-Rising-Sun.jpg
  • Colnect-875-186-Map-and-sextant.jpg
  • Colnect-2605-823-World--s-Fair-New-York.jpg
  • Colnect-165-319-EUROPA---CEPT-Discovery-of-America.jpg
  • Colnect-2681-550-Soldier-and-Map-of-Albania.jpg
  • Colnect-807-538-Dromedary-Camelus-dromedarius-Map-Soldier.jpg
  • Colnect-2103-918-Map---symbols-of-agriculture---industry.jpg
  • Colnect-2001-634-Map-and-UNICEF-logo.jpg
  • Colnect-165-318-EUROPA---CEPT-Discovery-of-America.jpg
  • Colnect-3060-103-Necklace-map.jpg
  • Colnect-1054-165-Inauguration-of-the-refinery-in-Port-Gentil.jpg
  • Colnect-2047-985-Britton-Norman-Islander.jpg
  • Colnect-1481-473-President-Husni-Zayim-and-Map.jpg
  • Colnect-2764-325-Simon-Bolivar.jpg
  • Colnect-1720-523-Soldier-and-map.jpg
  • Colnect-1954-852-Soldier-with-rifle-map.jpg
  • Colnect-2650-121-Soldiers-and-Map.jpg
  • Colnect-4559-507-Straits-Settlements-1867-1-1-2-c-Stamp.jpg
  • Colnect-597-490-Battle-of-Stalingrad-Tank-flag-and-map.jpg
  • Colnect-1339-000-Teacher-students-with-map.jpg
  • Colnect-209-444-Thatcher-Ferry-Bridge.jpg
  • Stamps_of_Germany_%28DDR%29_1973%2C_MiNr_1871.jpg
  • Colnect-882-767-Locomotive-map-with-marked-line.jpg
  • Colnect-1375-169-Train-Map-and-Workers.jpg
  • Colnect-4823-206-TV-Tower---Map.jpg
Name: map
Type: symbol
Type list of maps

Appearing in designs:
albatross over map (6 stamps of Uruguay, 1933)
Amerigo Vespucci & map (2 stamps of Italy, 1954)
arms of Cap d'Ail & map Monaco 4/21/2008 55(c) issue=Cap d'Ail 100th
arms of Hanko & map & harbor Finland 1/10/1974 60p issue=Hanko 100th
astrolabe & reed map Solomon Islands 1/28/1971 4c dt=explorers & their ships (1971)
CBC emblem & map Canada 7/23/1986 34(c) issue=CBC 50th
chair & map Slovenia 5/17/1992 41t issue=interior designer conference
coins & old map (2 stamps of Sweden, 1971)
compass & map Great Britain 1/28/1992 1st issue=Greeting Stamps 1992 dt=memories
dish antenna & map Armenia 7/1/1992 50k issue=AT&T communcations system
Douglas DC-8 Airliner over map Costa Rica 10/25/1965 1col issue=Freedom from Hunger
dove over map (9 stamps of Jordan, 1946)
Euclides Pinto Martins & map Brazil 8/16/1951 3.80cr
Gear wheel over map (2 stamps of United Nations, 1961)
hand holding torch & constitution & map (6 stamps of South Vietnam, 1957)
hikers reading a map Russia 5/15/1959 40k dt=tourism (1959)
horseman & map Canada 9/25/1963 5c issue=post 200th
ILO emblem & map Mauritania 4/14/1969 50fr issue=ILO 50th
Intelsat 3 over map India 2/26/1972 20p
King Hussein & map (5 stamps of Jordan, 1964)
Mao & soldiers & map (11 stamps of East China Liberation Area, 1949)
map (66 stamps, Spain & 50 others, 1911-2015, 5 are ovpts)
map & compass Tanzania 9/30/1992 15sh issue=500th Anniversary of Discovery of America
map & mosque Indonesia 3/6/1965 10r issue=Afro-Asian Islamic Conference
map & oil derrick (4 stamps of Kuwait, 1968)
map & Reza Pahlavi Iran 4/28/1949 5r issue=WWII effort
map & rifle Djibouti 11/29/1982 40fr issue=Palestinian Solidarity Day
map & rising sun Dahomey 8/25/1975 35fr
map & sextant St. Pierre & Miquelon 10/25/1971 45fr issue=St. Pierre Museum
map & ship (2 stamps of Iceland, 1939-1940, 1 is ovpt)
map & ship of Columbus Iceland 4/6/1992 55k dt=explorers (1992 Iceland)
map & soldier (3 stamps of Albania, 1949)
map & soldier & camel (5 stamps of FezzanGhadames, 1946)
map & symbols of agriculture industry Jamaica 8/8/1962 5sh issue=independence
map & UNICEF logo Senegal 10/30/1971 35fr issue=UNICEF 25th
map & Viking longboat Iceland 4/6/1992 55k dt=explorers (1992 Iceland)
map (1896) (5 stamps of Venezuela, 1896)
map (1923) (5 stamps of Castellorizo, 1923)
map (1954) (4 stamps of Seychelles, 1954)
map (1960) (8 stamps of Pakistan, 1960-1963, 4 are ovpts)
necklace map Poland 1/29/1993 20000z dt=amber
oil tanker & refinery & map Central African Republic 7/30/1968 30fr issue=Port Gentil refinery opening
plane over map Falkland Islands 5/1/1979 3p issue=Stanley airport opening
President Husni Zayim & map Syria 8/6/1949 50p issue=Zayim election
Simon Bolivar and map Cuba 6/22/1991 50c issue=165th Anniversary of the Panama Congress
soldier & map (3 stamps of Singapore, 1970)
soldier & map & airplane (2 stamps of Iraq, 1970)
soldiers & map Fiji 6/23/1969 3c issue=Fiji Military Forces campaign
Straits Settlements first stamp & map Singapore 5/6/1980 10c issue=London 1980 dt=stamps on stamps (1980)
tank & flag & map Hungary 2/18/1953 40f issue=Battle of Stalingrad 10th
teacher students with map Bermuda 12/18/1997 40c issue=Education 1997
Thatcher bridge & map Canal Zone 10/12/1962 4c issue=Thatcher Ferry Bridge opening
tower & map German Democratic Republic 8/14/1973 35pf issue=Eastern European power system 10th
train & map Iran 4/24/1958 8r issue=Tehran-Tabriz rail line opening
train map & workers (7 stamps of Albania, 1948)
TV tower on map Ryukyu Islands 12/22/1967 3c issue=television stations opening

Appearing in design types:
fauna & maps (18 stamps of Burundi, 1970)
flowers & location maps (7 stamps of Cuba, 1965)
maps (1974) (6 stamps of St. Vincent Grenadines, 1974)
maps (1980) (4 stamps of St. Vincent, 1980)
maps (1981) (4 stamps of Kiribati, 1981)
maps (1983 Kiribati) (4 stamps of Kiribati, 1983)
maps (1983 Zil Elwannyen Sesel) (4 stamps of Zil Elwannyen Sesel, 1983)
maps (2005) (4 stamps of French Southern & Antarctic Territories, 2005)
maps of Jamaica (8 stamps of Jamaica, 1976-1977)
maps of Jersey (8 stamps of Jersey, 2010)
maps of Poland (4 stamps of Poland, 1982)
maps of the Netherlands Antilles (5 stamps of Netherlands Antilles, 2003)
maps of the South Atlantic (1981 St. Helena) (5 stamps of St. Helena, 1981)
maps of the South Atlantic (1981 Tristan da Cunha) (4 stamps of Tristan da Cunha, 1981)
old maps of Africa (4 stamps of Bophuthatswana, 1993)
old maps of Bermuda (5 stamps of Bermuda, 1979)
old maps of Denmark (4 stamps of Denmark, 2009)
Old maps of Korea (4 stamps of Korea, 2007)
Old maps of Malta (4 stamps of Malta, 2005)
Old maps of Singapore (6 stamps of Singapore, 1989)

No synonyms.
Prev symbol: Manx emblem
Next symbol: maple leaf

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