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WNS catalog - Montserrat

Name: WNS
Abbrev: WNS
Full name: World Numbering System

Number Type Isort Sort Source
MS001.03 postage 4/30/2003 $3.00 multi issue=Qu..ronation 50th wmk=St Edwards crown & CA 1
MS002.03 4/30/2003 $3.00 1 0
MS003.03 4/30/2003 $3.00 1 0
MS004.03 4/30/2003 $6 1
MS005.03 6/30/2003 $2.00 issue=Centenary of Aviation d=The Wright Flyer II 1 1
MS006.03 6/30/2003 $2.00 1 2
MS007.03 6/30/2003 $2.00 d=Orville and Wilbur Wright (2003) 1 3
MS008.03 6/30/2003 $2.00 d=The Wright Flyer I 1 4
MS009.03 6/30/2003 $6 d=The Wright Flyer II 1
MS010.03 8/20/2003 $3.00 issue=21st Birthday of Prince William 1
MS011.03 8/20/2003 $3.00 1 0
MS012.03 8/20/2003 $3.00 1 0
MS013.03 8/20/2003 $6 1
MS014.03 11/28/2003 $1.50 issue=Mushrooms of th.. the world (2003) d=Slimy Lead Milk Cap 1 1
MS015.03 11/28/2003 $1.50 d=Rosy Spike Cap 1 2
MS016.03 11/28/2003 $1.50 d=Stump Pufftail 1 3
MS017.03 11/28/2003 $1.50 d=Parasol 1 4
MS018.03 11/28/2003 $1.50 d=Crab Russula 1 5
MS019.03 11/28/2003 $1.50 d=Scaly Vase Chanterelle 1 6
MS020.03 11/28/2003 $6 d=Fly Agaric 1
MS021.03 11/28/2003 $1.50 issue=Animals of the Frog (Eleutherodactylus johnstonei) 2 1
MS022.03 11/28/2003 $1.50 d=Land Hermit Crab 2 2
MS023.03 11/28/2003 $1.50 d=Spix's pinche (Oedipomidas spixi) 2 3
MS024.03 11/28/2003 $1.50 d=Dwarf Gecko 2 4
MS025.03 11/28/2003 $1.50 d=green sea turtle (2003) 2 5
MS026.03 11/28/2003 $1.50 d=Indian mongoose (Herpestes auropunctatus) 2 6
MS027.03 11/28/2003 $6 d=Sally Lightfoot Crab 2
MS028.03 12/22/2003 $1.50 issue=Birds of the Ca.. d=roseate spoonbill Ajaja ajaja (2003) 1 2
MS029.03 12/22/2003 $1.50 d=laughing gull (2003) 1 3
MS030.03 12/22/2003 $1.50 d=white-tailed tropicbird (2003) 1 4
MS031.03 12/22/2003 $1.50 d=Bare-eyed Thrush 1 5
MS032.03 12/22/2003 $1.50 d=glittering-throated emerald 1 6
MS033.03 12/22/2003 $1.50 d=Lesser Antillean Grackle 1 7
MS034.03 12/22/2003 $6 d=bananaquit (2003) 1
MS035.03 12/22/2003 90c d=belted kingfisher (2003) 1
MS036.03 12/22/2003 $1.15 d=Yellow Warbler 1
MS037.03 12/22/2003 $1.50 d=hooded warbler Wilsonia citrina 1 1
MS038.03 12/22/2003 $5 d=Cedar Waxwing (Bombycilla cedrorum) 1

Prefixes: 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11