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WNS catalog - Peru

Name: WNS
Abbrev: WNS
Full name: World Numbering System

Number Type Isort Sort Source
PE100.04. postage 11/2/2004 5.00s multi issue=Be..Mother Teresa of Calcutta unwmk perf=14 2
PE100.06. 12/29/2006 8.50s issue=75th Anniversar..the first philatelic exhibition in Peru 3
PE100.07. 10/8/2007 3.00s issue=150th Anniversar.. Carrión d=Don Daniel Alcides Carrión 1
PE101.04. 11/2/2004 5.00s issue=25th Anniversary of the Pontificate of the Pope perf=14 3
PE101.07. 10/9/2007 5.50s issue=America 2007 perf=13.5 1
PE102.04. 11/2/2004 5.00s issue=100th Anniversary of FIFA perf=14 1
PE102.07. 10/9/2007 5.50s issue=America 2007 perf=13.5 1
PE103.04. 11/9/2004 5.00s issue=25th Anniversary of the perf=14 1
PE103.07. 10/15/2007 2.50s dt=Peruvian mushrooms d=Dyctiophora indusiata perf=13.5
PE104.04. 11/9/2004 5.00s issue=Export Day perf=14 2
PE104.07. 10/15/2007 2.50s dt=Peruvian mushrooms d=Sepultaria arenicola perf=13.5
PE105.04. 11/17/2004 2.50s issue=40th Anniversar..American Parliament (Parlatino) perf=14 2
PE105.07. 10/15/2007 2.50s dt=Peruvian mushrooms..asmius haematocephalus (2007) perf=13.5
PE106.04. 11/17/2004 2.50s issue=40th Anniversar..American Parliament (Parlatino) perf=14 2
PE106.07. 10/15/2007 2.50s dt=Peruvian mushrooms d=Marasmiellus volvatus perf=13.5
PE107.04. 11/17/2004 2.00s issue=Peruvian river ..a dt=Peruvian river fauna d=Serrasalmus 3
PE107.07. 10/19/2007 5.50s dt=wild dog - Speothos venaticus perf=13.5
PE108.04. 11/17/2004 4.50s issue=Peruvian river ..fauna d=Pontoporia blainvillei perf=14 3
PE108.07. 10/19/2007 5.50s dt=wild dog - Speothos venaticus perf=13.5
PE109.04. 11/17/2004 5.00s issue=Peruvian river ..t=Peruvian river fauna d=Arapaima gigas 3
PE109.07. 10/19/2007 2.00s dt=wild dog - Speothos venaticus perf=13.5
PE110.04. 11/17/2004 4.50s issue=Peruvian Cultures dt=Peruvian cultures (2004) perf=14 1 1
PE110.07. 10/19/2007 2.00s dt=wild dog - Speothos venaticus perf=13.5
PE111.04. 11/17/2004 4.50s issue=Peruvian Cultures dt=Peruvian cultures (2004) perf=14 1 2
PE111.07. 10/29/2007 6.00s d=King Philippe's Fortress
PE112.04. 11/17/2004 4.50s issue=Peruvian Cultures dt=Peruvian cultures (2004) perf=14 1 3
PE112.07. 11/4/2007 3.00s issue=Centenary of the..Peruvian Firefighters Company perf=13.5 1
PE113.04. 11/18/2004 5.00s issue=Bicentenary of Lima Bar Association perf=14 1
PE113.07. 11/4/2007 3.00s issue=Centenary of the..Peruvian Firefighters Company perf=13.5 1
PE114.04. 11/22/2004 5.00s issue=10th Anniversary of Serpost 1
PE114.07. 11/5/2007 6.00s d=by Camilo Blas
PE115.04. 11/29/2004 2.00s dt=Peruvian musicians d=Juan Diego Florez perf=14 1
PE115.07. 11/12/2007 6.00s dt=Peruvian Culture d=Nasca culture
PE116.04. 11/29/2004 2.00s dt=Peruvian musicians d=Susana Baca perf=14 2
PE116.07. 11/12/2007 7.00s dt=Peruvian Culture d=Mochica culture
PE117.04. 11/29/2004 2.00s dt=Peruvian musicians d=Gian Marco perf=14 3
PE117.07. 11/12/2007 14.50s d=Cahuachi
PE118.04. 11/29/2004 2.00s dt=Peruvian musicians d=Eva Syllon perf=14 4
PE118.07. 11/16/2007 6.00s issue=Economic Cooper..of the Asia-Pacific APEC 2008 perf=13.5 1
PE119.04. 11/29/2004 2.00s dt=Peruvian musicians d=Libido perf=14 5
PE119.07. 11/22/2007 2.00s issue=School Painting.. Flora and Fauna of my Region perf=13.5 1
PE120.04. 12/3/2004 1.50s issue=Antarctica d=Scientific Base Machu Picchu perf=14 1
PE120.07. 11/22/2007 2.00s issue=School Painting.. Flora and Fauna of my Region perf=13.5 1
PE121.04. 12/3/2004 2.00s issue=Antarctica d=Megaptera novaeagliae 1
PE121.07. 12/1/2007 6.00s issue=150th Anniversar..undadores de la Independencia perf=13.5 1
PE122.04. 12/3/2004 1.50s issue=Antarctica d=orca perf=14 1
PE122.07. 12/1/2007 6.50s issue=Christmas 2007 1
PE123.04. 12/6/2004 5.00s issue=Christmas 2004 perf=14 1
PE123.07. 12/1/2007 2.50s issue=150th Anniversar.. first Peruvian Postage stamp perf=13.5 2
PE124.04. 12/6/2004 3.20s issue=Prehistoric Animals dt=prehistoric animals (2004 Peru) 2
PE124.07. 12/1/2007 2.50s issue=150th Anniversar.. first Peruvian Postage stamp perf=13.5 2
PE125.04. 12/6/2004 1.80s issue=Prehistoric Animals dt=prehistoric animals (2004 Peru) 2
PE125.07. 12/1/2007 6.00s issue=Altars in Peru in Peru d=Lima's Cathedral perf=13.5 3
PE126.07. 12/1/2007 8.50s d=Virgen del Carmen 3
PE127.07. 12/17/2007 6.00s dt=Root Vegetables d=Yacón perf=13.5
PE128.04. 12/8/2004 5.00s issue=Third Meeting of the Presidents of South America 1
PE128.07. 12/17/2007 6.00s dt=Root Vegetables d=Yuca perf=13.5
PE129.04. 12/9/2004 5.00s issue=50th Anniversary of Lima Art Museum 1
PE129.07. 12/27/2007 3.00s issue=Launching of the Space rocket-probe Paulet I perf=13.5 1
PE130.04. 12/9/2004 3.20s issue=180th Anniversary of the Battles of Junin and Ayacucho 2
PE130.07. 12/27/2007 3.00s issue=Launching of the Space rocket-probe Paulet I perf=13.5 1
PE131.04. 12/9/2004 1.80s issue=180th Anniversary of the Battles of Junin and Ayacucho 2
PE132.04. 12/15/2004 10.00s
PE001.03 6/13/2003 1.10s issue=100th Anniversar..n of Hydrography and Navigation of Peru 1
PE002.03 7/1/2003 3.80s issue=Civil Association Manuela Ramos 25th 1
PE003.03 10/1/2003 4.00s issue=40 Years of Radio Programmes in Peru 1
PE004.03 10/7/2003 1.60s d=Fernando Belaunde Terry
PE005.03 10/11/2003 1.20s issue=Canonization of..uer d=San Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer 1
PE006.03 11/3/2003 4.00s issue=50th Anniversary of Teresa de la Cruz Candamo's Death 1
PE007.03 11/13/2003 2.00s issue=150th and Navigatin between Italy and Peru 1
PE008.03 11/13/2003 2.00s 1 0
PE009.03 11/28/2003 2.00s issue=Cultural Centre for the Destitutes and ABISA Project 1
PE010.03 11/28/2003 2.00s 1 0
PE011.03 11/28/2003 1.20s issue=50th Anniversar..nal network of schools linked to UNESCO 2
PE012.03 11/28/2003 2.00s d=Andean cock-of-the-rock Rupicola peruviana
PE013.03 11/28/2003 2.00s d=American UPAEP - Native flora and fauna. 0
PE014.03 12/12/2003 4.00s issue=150th Anniversa..matic relations between Peru and Panama 1
PE015.03 12/17/2003 4.80s issue=100th Anniversary of Civil Aviation 1
PE016.03 12/19/2003 4.80s d=Peruvian Cajón
PE001.04 1/5/2004 1.20s d=chess perf=13.75
PE002.04 1/5/2004 1.20s d=swimming (2004) 0
PE003.04 1/5/2004 1.20s issue=Year of rights of the Disabled person 1
PE004.04 1/14/2004 4.80s issue=Christmas 2004 1
PE005.04 1/14/2004 1.20s issue=Viceroys of Peru..Peru d=Andres Hurtado de Mendoza (2004) 2 2
PE006.04 1/14/2004 1.20s d=Antonio de Mendoza (2004) 2 1
PE007.04 1/14/2004 1.20s d=Diego Lopez de Zuniga y Velasco 2 3
PE008.04 1/14/2004 4.80s d=Blasco Nunez de Vela 2
PE009.04 1/14/2004 4.80s issue=30th Anniversary of INDECI 3
PE010.04 1/21/2004 1.20s issue=Minerals of Peru dt=minerals of Peru d=orpiment 1
PE011.04 1/21/2004 4.80s d=rhodochrosite (2004) 1
PE012.04 1/21/2004 1.20s issue=Orchids of Peru ..rchids of Peru d=Chaubardia heteroclita 2
PE013.04 1/21/2004 2.20s d=Cochleanther amazonica 2
PE014.04 1/21/2004 4.80s d=Sobralia sp. perf=13.75 2
PE015.04 1/21/2004 4.80s issue=Peruvian Saints d=San Martin de Porres 3
PE016.04 1/21/2004 4.80s d=Santa Rosa de Lima 3 0
PE017.04 1/30/2004 4.80s d=Jorge Basadre
PE018.04 1/30/2004 1.20s issue=Leaders of Ancient Peru dt=leaders of ancient Peru 1
PE019.04 1/30/2004 1.20s 1 0
PE020.04 1/30/2004 4.80s 1
PE021.04 1/30/2004 1.80s issue=Endangered speci..endangered species (2004) d=Ara couloni 2
PE022.04 1/30/2004 1.80s d=Sea cat 2 0
PE023.04 1/30/2004 1.20s issue=Railroads of Peru dt=railroads of Peru 3
PE024.04 1/30/2004 4.80s 3
PE025.04 1/30/2004 2.20s issue=Firemen 4
PE026.04 1/30/2004 2.20s 4 0
PE027.04 2/4/2004 1.80s issue=Antarctic Fauna d..ic fauna (2004) d=gentoo penguin (2004) 1
PE028.04 2/4/2004 1.80s d=starfish 1 0
PE029.04 2/4/2004 1.80s d=imperial shag 1 0
PE030.04 2/4/2004 1.20s issue=Cactus of Peru dt=cacti of Peru d=Eriosyce islayensis 2 1
PE031.04 2/4/2004 1.20s d=Matucana haynei 2 2
PE032.04 2/4/2004 4.80s d=Pigmaeocereus bylesianus 2
PE033.04 2/4/2004 4.80s issue=Famous people people (2004) d=José Jiménez Borja 3 1
PE034.04 2/4/2004 4.80s d=Rubén Vargas Ugarte 3 2
PE035.04 2/4/2004 4.80s issue=World Day of Population 4
PE036.04 2/4/2004 4.80s issue=World Day of Biological Diversity 5
PE037.04 2/4/2004 4.80s issue=Korea-Japan 2002 6
PE038.04 2/4/2004 4.80s issue=Korea-Japan 2002 ..0th Anniversary of the National Stadium 7
PE039.04 2/10/2004 4.80s d=Pisco sour
PE040.04 2/19/2004 4.80s d=Daniel Alcides Carrión
PE041.04 2/20/2004 7.00s d=Peruvian paintings
PE042.04 2/23/2004 1.80s issue=Vipers of Peru d..f Peru d=Bothrops roedingeri perf=13.75 1 1
PE043.04 2/23/2004 1.80s d=Micrurus lemniscatus 1 2
PE044.04 2/23/2004 1.80s d=Bothrops atrox 1 3
PE045.04 2/23/2004 1.80s d=Bothrops microphtalmus 1 4
PE046.04 2/23/2004 1.80s d=Micrurus surinamensis (2004) 1 5
PE047.04 2/23/2004 1.80s d=Bothrops barnetti 1 6
PE048.04 2/23/2004 7.00s issue=International Year of Mountains d=Huascarán 2
PE049.04 2/23/2004 0.20s issue=2004 d=alpaca 3
PE050.04 2/23/2004 0.30s d=vicuna (2004) 3
PE051.04 2/23/2004 0.40s d=guanaco (2004) 3
PE052.04 2/23/2004 0.50s d=llama (2004) 3
PE053.04 2/24/2004 4.80s d=Peruvain Tourism - Royal Tombs of the Lord of Sipan
PE054.04 2/26/2004 2.00s issue=Peruvian Lightho.. lighthouses d=Punta Capones perf=13.75 1
PE055.04 2/26/2004 2.00s d=Iles Chincha 1 0
PE056.04 3/2/2004 4.80s issue=Firefighters Company Salvadora Lima No. 10 1
PE057.04 3/3/2004 1.60s dt=sea fishes of Peru d=Trachurus murphyi perf=13.75 1
PE058.04 3/3/2004 1.60s d=Engraulis ringens (2004) 3
PE059.04 3/3/2004 1.60s d=Mugil cephalus (2004) 2
PE060.04 3/3/2004 1.60s d=Odontesthes regia regia 4
PE061.04 3/3/2004 1.60s d=Merluccius gayi peruanus 5
PE062.04 3/18/2004 4.00s issue=Peruvian Tourism d=Arequipa Cathedral 1
PE063.04 3/18/2004 4.00s d=Misti Volcano 1 0
PE064.04 3/20/2004 1.20s dt=Machu Picchu d=Machu Picchu - Sundial
PE065.04 3/20/2004 1.20s d=Machu Picchu - Three windows Temple 0
PE066.04 3/20/2004 1.20s d=Machu Picchu - Huayana Picchu Waterfall 0
PE067.04 3/20/2004 4.80s d=Machu Picchu - Citadel
PE068.04 3/26/2004 4.80s dt=medicinal plants of Peru d=Cat's claw perf=13.75
PE069.04 3/26/2004 4.80s d=Maca 0
PE070.04 3/26/2004 4.80s d=Camu-camu 0
PE071.04 3/29/2004 4.80s issue=Interamerican Bank of Development 1
PE072.04 4/2/2004 4.80s dt=dogs of the world (2004) d=Volpino Italiano perf=13.75 1
PE073.04 4/2/2004 4.80s d=Naked Dog of Peru 2
PE074.04 4/2/2004 4.80s d=Beauce Shepherd 3
PE075.04 4/2/2004 4.80s d=Spinone Italiano 4
PE076.04 4/16/2004 1.20s d=Traditional Dances and Dressing of Peru - Huaylash
PE077.04 4/21/2004 4.80s d=scientists & map of El Nino
PE078.04 4/22/2004 4.80s issue=tourism in Peru ..=tourism in Peru (2004) d=Paca's Lagoon 1
PE079.04 5/21/2004 4.80s d=Ballesta Islands 1
PE080.04 5/28/2004 1.20s d=Traditional Dances and Dressing of Peru - Huayno perf=13.75
PE081.04 6/4/2004 4.80s issue=tourism in Peru 2.. dt=tourism in Peru (2004) d=Inca Baths 1
PE082.04 6/10/2004 4.80s d=Huanchaco 1
PE083.04 6/28/2004 1.80s d=Churches - Santiago Apostol - Pomata perf=13.75
PE084.04 7/5/2004 1.20s issue=America UPAEP 2004 d=Illiteracy 1
PE085.04 7/5/2004 4.80s d=Education 1
PE086.04 7/9/2004 5.00s issue=Copa America - Peru 2004 1
PE087.04 7/27/2004 4.80s d=Cebiche - Picture from Peru perf=13.75
PE088.04 8/6/2004 1.20s dt=Peruvian horses 1
PE089.04 8/6/2004 1.20s 2
PE090.04 8/6/2004 1.20s 3
PE091.04 8/6/2004 4.80s
PE092.04 10/15/2004 1.50s issue=WWF 2004 dt=Pteronura brasiliensis perf=14 1
PE093.04 10/15/2004 0.50s 1
PE094.04 10/15/2004 0.30s 1
PE095.04 10/15/2004 1.50s perf=14 1
PE096.04 10/25/2004 4.50s issue=America 2004 1
PE097.04 10/29/2004 5.00s dt=Peruvian trains
PE098.04 10/29/2004 10.00s
PE099.04 10/31/2004 5.00s issue=60th Anniversar..le Song Day (Dia de la Cancion Criolla) 1
PE100.04 11/2/2004 5.00s issue=Beatification of Mother Teresa of Calcutta perf=14 2
PE101.04 11/2/2004 5.00s issue=25th Anniversary of the Pontificate of the Pope 3
PE102.04 11/2/2004 5.00s issue=100th Anniversary of FIFA 1
PE103.04 11/9/2004 5.00s issue=25th Anniversary of the 1
PE104.04 11/9/2004 5.00s issue=Export Day 2
PE105.04 11/17/2004 2.50s issue=40th Anniversar..e Latin American Parliament (Parlatino) 2
PE106.04 11/17/2004 2.50s 2 0
PE107.04 11/17/2004 2.00s issue=Peruvian river ..a dt=Peruvian river fauna d=Serrasalmus 3
PE108.04 11/17/2004 4.50s d=Pontoporia blainvillei perf=14 3
PE109.04 11/17/2004 5.00s d=Arapaima gigas 3
PE110.04 11/17/2004 4.50s issue=Peruvian Cultures dt=Peruvian cultures (2004) perf=14 1 1
PE111.04 11/17/2004 4.50s 1 2
PE112.04 11/17/2004 4.50s 1 3
PE113.04 11/18/2004 5.00s issue=Bicentenary of Lima Bar Association 1
PE114.04 11/22/2004 5.00s issue=10th Anniversary of Serpost 1
PE115.04 11/29/2004 2.00s dt=Peruvian musicians d=Juan Diego Florez perf=14 1
PE116.04 11/29/2004 2.00s d=Susana Baca 2
PE117.04 11/29/2004 2.00s d=Gian Marco 3
PE118.04 11/29/2004 2.00s d=Eva Syllon 4
PE119.04 11/29/2004 2.00s d=Libido 5
PE120.04 12/3/2004 1.50s issue=Antarctica d=Scientific Base Machu Picchu 1
PE121.04 12/3/2004 2.00s d=Megaptera novaeagliae 1
PE122.04 12/3/2004 1.50s d=orca perf=14 1
PE123.04 12/6/2004 5.00s issue=Christmas 2004 1
PE124.04 12/6/2004 3.20s issue=Prehistoric Animals dt=prehistoric animals (2004 Peru) 2
PE125.04 12/6/2004 1.80s 2
PE126.04 12/6/2004 4.50s issue=Peruvian Lighthouses dt=Peruvian lighthouses 1
PE127.04 12/6/2004 4.50s 1 0
PE128.04 12/8/2004 5.00s issue=Third Meeting of the Presidents of South America 1
PE129.04 12/9/2004 5.00s issue=50th Anniversary of Lima Art Museum 1
PE130.04 12/9/2004 3.20s issue=180th Anniversary of the Battles of Junin and Ayacucho 2
PE131.04 12/9/2004 1.80s 2
PE132.04 12/15/2004 10.00s
PE001.05 1/14/2005 5s issue=Parque de las Leyendes 40th d=Cantua buxifolia 1
PE002.05 1/14/2005 5s d=Puma concolor (2005 Peru) 1 0
PE003.05 1/22/2005 5s d=Cienciano soccer team trophies
PE004.05 1/24/2005 5s issue=Stomatology Academy 75th 1
PE005.05 2/2/2005 2s issue=National Health Crusade 1
PE006.05 2/7/2005 4.50s dt=churches (2005 Peru)
PE007.05 2/7/2005 5s
PE008.05 2/25/2005 5s cl issue=abolition of slavery in Peru 150th 1
PE009.05 2/28/2005 3.20s multi dt=armed forces (2005) 4
PE010.05 2/28/2005 1.80s d=tank (2005)
PE011.05 2/28/2005 3.20s 5
PE012.05 2/28/2005 1.80s d=submarine
PE013.05 2/28/2005 3.20s 6
PE014.05 2/28/2005 1.80s 3
PE015.05 3/4/2005 4.50s dt=fruits (2005 Peru) 1
PE016.05 3/4/2005 4.50s 2
PE017.05 3/4/2005 5s 3
PE018.05 3/10/2005 1.50s d=Luis Alva Talledo
PE019.05 3/21/2005 4.50s dt=wildlife of Allpahuayo d=Myrmeciza hemimelaena 1
PE020.05 3/21/2005 4.50s d=Zimmerius villarejoi 2
PE021.05 3/21/2005 4.50s d=Hyla sp. 3
PE022.05 3/21/2005 4.50s d=Iguana iguana 4
PE023.05 4/4/2005 2s dt=Peruvian Painting d="Soldier and Woman" - Pancho Fierro 1
PE024.05 4/4/2005 2s d="Old woman, child, old man and woman... 2
PE025.05 4/4/2005 2s d="Portrait of Man" - Daniel Hernandes 3
PE026.05 4/4/2005 2s d="Mountains and Church" - Camilo Blas 4
PE027.05 4/4/2005 2s d="Portrait of Woman" - Ricardo Grau 5
PE028.05 4/4/2005 2s d="Abstract" - Fernando de Szyszlo 6
PE029.05 4/18/2005 4.50s dt=Raimondo's science
PE030.05 4/18/2005 5s
PE031.05 4/18/2005 1.80s issue=Antonio Raimondi..h Anniv. d=The work of Antonio Raimondi 1
PE032.05 4/18/2005 3.20s
PE033.05 5/2/2005 10s issue=Antonio Raimondi, 115th death Anniv. d=Penelope albipennis 1
PE034.05 5/18/2005 5s dt=architecture (2005) d=Peruvian Architecture - Larco Mar 3
PE035.05 5/18/2005 4.50s d=Peruvian Architecture - Palacio de Gobierno 1
PE036.05 5/18/2005 4.50s d=Peruvian Architecture - Museo de Arte Italiano 2
PE037.05 5/18/2005 5s d=Mega Plaza 4
PE038.05 5/30/2005 5s issue=postal money orders d=banknote as paper airplane 1
PE039.05 11/24/2005 1.80s issue=Pope John Paul II memorial d=Pope John Paul II (2005) 1
PE040.05 11/24/2005 2s issue=Europa stamps 50th 2 1
PE041.05 11/24/2005 2s 2 2
PE042.05 11/24/2005 2s 2 3
PE043.05 11/24/2005 2s 2 4
PE044.05 12/21/2005 2s dt=naval victories d=Battle of Punta Malpelo 1
PE045.05 12/21/2005 2s 2
PE046.05 12/21/2005 2s 3
PE047.05 12/21/2005 2s 4
PE048.05 12/21/2005 2s 5
PE049.05 12/21/2005 2s 6
PE050.05 12/29/2005 5.50s issue=Medical College of Peru 35th 1
PE001.06 1/9/2006 5.50s issue=Christmas 2005 perf=14 1
PE002.06 1/9/2006 5.50s issue=Eighth World Colloquium on world Heritage Cities - Cusco 2
PE003.06 1/10/2006 5.50s issue=400th Anniversar..tification of Sister Ana de los Angeles 1
PE004.06 1/11/2006 5.00s issue=400th Anniversary of Don Quixote of La Mancha 1
PE005.06 1/11/2006 2.50s issue=Pope Benedict XVI d=Pope Benedict XVI perf=14 2
PE006.06 1/11/2006 2.50s 2 0
PE007.06 1/13/2006 5.50s issue=Centenary of Rotary International 1
PE008.06 1/16/2006 5.50s issue=Fight against Poverty 1
PE009.06 1/18/2006 2.50s dt=volcanos of Arequipa d=Chachani perf=14
PE010.06 1/18/2006 2.50s d=Pichupichu 0
PE011.06 1/18/2006 2.50s d=Misti 0
PE012.06 1/20/2006 5.50s issue=Centenary of the National Academy of History 1
PE013.06 1/20/2006 2.50s issue=San Pedro Church perf=14 2
PE014.06 1/20/2006 2.50s 2 0
PE015.06 1/23/2006 5.50s issue=85th Anniversary of the YMCA 1
PE016.06 1/26/2006 5.00s issue=125th Anniversar..nventor Julio C. Tello d=Julio C. Tello 1
PE017.06 2/6/2006 5.50s issue=75 Years of control of Public Finances 1
PE018.06 2/11/2006 6.00s issue=150th Anniversary of the creation of Cajamarca province 1
PE019.06 2/16/2006 2.00s dt=Peruvian cuisine d=Shrimp soup perf=14
PE020.06 2/16/2006 2.00s d=Pork pie 0
PE021.06 2/16/2006 2.00s d=Duck with rice 0
PE022.06 2/16/2006 2.00s d=Stuffed chili pepper 0
PE023.06 2/17/2006 2.00s dt=Butterflies of Peru (2006) d=Morpho achilles 1
PE024.06 2/17/2006 2.00s d=Heliconius sara (2006) 2
PE025.06 2/17/2006 2.00s d=Dryas julia (2006) 3
PE026.06 2/17/2006 2.00s d=Caligo eurilochus (2006) 4
PE027.06 1/20/2006 2.00s issue=Scouts of Peru 3
PE028.06 1/20/2006 2.00s 3 0
PE029.06 2/22/2006 6.00s dt=Peruvian cultures d=Chavin
PE030.06 2/22/2006 6.00s d=Paracas 0
PE031.06 2/24/2006 6.00s d=Ayar brothers
PE032.06 2/27/2006 2.00s dt=Symbols of the Peruvian nation perf=14
PE033.06 2/27/2006 2.00s 0
PE034.06 2/27/2006 2.00s 0
PE035.06 2/28/2006 5.50s issue=50th Anniversary of Caritas del Peru 1
PE036.06 3/1/2006 6.00s dt=Products of Peru d=Lucuma
PE037.06 3/1/2006 6.00s d=Chirimoya 0
PE038.06 3/3/2006 6.00s d=Transcontinental routes
PE039.06 3/28/2006 6.00s dt=Peruvian writers d=Alfredo Bryce Echenique perf=14
PE040.06 3/28/2006 6.00s d=Mario Vargas Llosa (2006) 0
PE041.06 4/7/2006 6.00s issue=70th Anniversary of the Ministry of Health 8
PE042.06 4/7/2006 6.00s issue=25th Anniversary ..merican Integration Association (ALADI) 7
PE043.06 4/28/2006 6.00s d=Hubnerite
PE044.06 4/28/2006 6.00s d=Chicha 0
PE045.06 5/2/2006 5.50s dt=fauna of Lake Titicaca d=Orestias spp 1
PE046.06 5/2/2006 5.50s d=Plegadis ridgwayi 2
PE047.06 5/2/2006 5.50s d=Phoenicoparrus andinus 3
PE048.06 5/2/2006 5.50s d=Telmatobius culeus 4
PE049.06 5/5/2006 5.50s dt=parrots of Peru d=Pionopsitta barrabandi 1
PE050.06 5/5/2006 5.50s d=Tovit huetii 2
PE051.06 5/5/2006 5.50s d=Pionites melanocephala 3
PE052.06 5/5/2006 5.50s d=Ara severa (2006) 4
PE053.06 5/5/2006 5.50s d=Amazona festiva 5
PE054.06 5/5/2006 5.50s d=Ara ararauna (2006) 6
PE055.06 5/8/2006 5.50s dt=viceroys of Peru d=Francisco de Toledo (2006) 1
PE056.06 5/8/2006 5.50s d=Martin Enriquez de Almansa 2
PE057.06 5/8/2006 5.50s d=Fernando Torres y Portugal 3
PE058.06 5/8/2006 5.50s d=Garcia Hurtado de Mendoza 4
PE059.06 5/10/2006 6.00s dt=lighthouses of Peru d=Isla Lobos de Tierra
PE060.06 5/10/2006 6.00s d=Isla Blanca 0
PE061.06 5/15/2006 6.00s dt=birds of Peru (2006) d=ganso Andino perf=14 3
PE062.06 5/15/2006 6.00s d=Iquitos gnatcatcher 2
PE063.06 5/15/2006 6.00s d=Bare-faced Ground-dove Metriopelia ceciliae 1
PE064.06 5/16/2006 5.50s dt=surfing
PE065.06 5/16/2006 5.50s 0
PE066.06 5/16/2006 6.00s d=Peruvian Railways - Lima - Callao
PE067.06 5/17/2006 5.50s issue=Northeastern Tourist Circuit d=Trujillo 1 1
PE068.06 5/17/2006 5.50s d=Lambayeque 1 2
PE069.06 5/17/2006 5.50s d=Cajamarca 1 3
PE070.06 5/17/2006 5.50s d=Amazonas 1 4
PE071.06 5/17/2006 5.50s d=Northeastern Tourist destinations - San Martin 1 5
PE072.06 5/17/2006 5.50s d=Loreto 1 6
PE073.06 5/19/2006 2.00s issue=Visits of Pope John Paul II 1
PE074.06 5/19/2006 2.00s 1 0
PE075.06 5/19/2006 2.00s 1 0
PE076.06 5/19/2006 2.00s 1 0
PE077.06 5/19/2006 2.00s 1 0
PE078.06 5/19/2006 2.00s 1 0
PE079.06 5/19/2006 2.00s 1 0
PE080.06 5/19/2006 2.00s 1 0
PE081.06 5/22/2006 6.00s issue=Aviation 1
PE082.06 5/22/2006 6.00s 1 0
PE083.06 5/22/2006 6.00s issue=Peruvian Carnivals d=Puno 2
PE084.06 5/22/2006 6.00s d=Arequipa 2 0
PE085.06 5/22/2006 6.00s d=Cajamarca 2 0
PE086.06 5/23/2006 6.00s issue=180th Anniversary of the daily newspaper El Peruano 4
PE087.06 5/31/2006 2.00s dt=Peruvian Women d=Micaela Bastidas (2006)
PE088.06 5/31/2006 2.00s d=Micaela Bastidas - Church of Cusco 0
PE089.06 12/22/2006 2.00s issue=International Y..f Deserts and Desertification perf=13.5 17
PE090.06 12/22/2006 5.50s multi issue=250th Ann..of the birth of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 5
PE091.06 12/22/2006 2.00s issue=Christmas 2006 perf=13.5 18
PE092.06 12/22/2006 8.50s multi issue=World Cup 2006 6
PE093.06 12/27/2006 6.00s issue=500th Anniversary of death of Christopher Columbus 1
PE094.06 12/29/2006 2.00s issue=35th Anniversar..of China d=giant panda (2006) perf=13.5 1
PE095.06 12/29/2006 2.00s multi d=guanaco (2006) 1 0
PE096.06 12/29/2006 2.00s d=Machu Pichu 1 0
PE097.06 12/29/2006 2.00s d=Great Wall of China (2006 Peru) 1 0
PE098.06 12/29/2006 3.00s multi issue=America 2006 2
PE099.06 12/29/2006 5.50s 2
PE100.06 12/29/2006 8.50s issue=75th Anniversar..the first philatelic exhibition in Peru 3
PE001.07 1/5/2007 2.00s issue=First three dimen..ilm in Peru and Latin America perf=13.5 1
PE002.07 1/5/2007 2.00s 1 0
PE003.07 1/9/2007 2.00s dt=Peruvian Plastics artists d=Fernando de Szyszlo
PE004.07 1/9/2007 2.20s d=Victor Delfin Ramirez
PE005.07 1/16/2007 8.50s d=Purussaurus
PE006.07 1/23/2007 5.50s dt=musical instruments of the Andes d=Quena perf=13.5
PE007.07 1/23/2007 5.50s d=zampoña 0
PE008.07 1/23/2007 5.50s d=Antara 0
PE009.07 1/27/2007 2.00s issue=400th Anniversar..the death of Saint Toribio of Mogrovejo 1
PE010.07 1/30/2007 5.50s dt=Religious Festivities d=Senor de los Milagros perf=13.5
PE011.07 1/30/2007 5.50s d=Virgen de las Mercedes 0
PE012.07 1/30/2007 5.50s d=Virgen de la Candelaria 0
PE013.07 1/30/2007 5.50s d=Senor de Muruhuay 0
PE014.07 2/5/2007 2.00s issue=Dragons - fates of fire 1
PE015.07 2/5/2007 2.00s 1 0
PE016.07 2/13/2007 2.20s issue=75th Anniversary of the National Jury 1
PE017.07 3/12/2007 2.50s dt=desserts d=Suspiros de Limena perf=13.5
PE018.07 3/12/2007 2.50s d=Picarones 0
PE019.07 3/12/2007 2.50s d=Mazamorra Morada 0
PE020.07 3/26/2007 6.00s dt=Pedigreed Dogs d=Hairless dog
PE021.07 3/26/2007 6.00s d=dachshund (2007) 0
PE022.07 3/26/2007 6.00s d=Samoyed 0
PE023.07 3/26/2007 6.00s d=Siberian husky (2007) 0
PE024.07 4/2/2007 5.50s dt=Architecture of Viceroy Era d=Saint François's sacristry
PE025.07 4/2/2007 5.50s d=Saint Augustin's church 0
PE026.07 4/2/2007 5.50s d=Saint Apolinie's portal 0
PE027.07 4/2/2007 5.50s d=Metropolitan's cathedral 0
PE028.07 3/7/2007 3.00s issue=Peruvian Music - Félipé Pinglo Alva 1
PE029.07 3/7/2007 3.00s 1 0
PE030.07 4/23/2007 6.00s dt=Inca Temples d=Tambo Machay
PE031.07 4/23/2007 6.00s d=Tambo Colorado 0
PE032.07 4/23/2007 6.00s d=Pachacamac 0
PE033.07 5/21/2007 6.00s dt=Peruvian Culture d=Vicus
PE034.07 5/21/2007 6.00s d=Salinar 0
PE035.07 6/4/2007 2.50s dt=Costumes and Typical Dances d=Danza de Los Negritos
PE036.07 6/4/2007 2.50s d=Danza de la Tijeras 0
PE037.07 6/4/2007 2.50s d=Danza Capac Colla 0
PE038.07 6/4/2007 2.50s d=Danza la Diablada 0
PE039.07 6/18/2007 6.00s dt=Export Products (2007) d=Asparagus (2007)
PE040.07 6/18/2007 6.00s d=Alpaca wool 0
PE041.07 6/18/2007 6.00s d=mango (2007) 0
PE042.07 7/2/2007 6.00s dt=extreme sports (2007) d=canoe (2007)
PE043.07 7/2/2007 6.00s d=Mountain bike 0
PE044.07 7/2/2007 6.00s d=Andinism 0
PE045.07 7/16/2007 6.00s dt=viceroys of Peru d=Luis de Valasco
PE046.07 7/16/2007 6.00s d=Juan de Mendoza y Luna 0
PE047.07 7/16/2007 6.00s d=Gaspar de Zuniga y Acevedo 0
PE048.07 7/16/2007 6.00s d=Francisco de Borja y Aragon 0
PE049.07 7/30/2007 6.00s dt=endangered species (2007 Peru) d=Harpia harpyja (2007)
PE050.07 7/30/2007 6.00s d=Odocoileus virginianus - white-tailed deer 0
PE051.07 7/30/2007 3.00s d=Oncifelis colocolo
PE052.07 7/30/2007 3.00s d=Lontra felina 0
PE053.07 7/12/2007 2.50s issue=185th Anniversar..Peruvian Congress d=Palais d'exposition 1
PE054.07 7/12/2007 2.50s d=1st congress 1 0
PE055.07 7/12/2007 2.50s d=Old Institution 1 0
PE056.07 7/12/2007 2.50s d=Monument to Simón Bolivar 1 0
PE057.07 7/12/2007 2.50s d=Night view of the Exhibition Centre 1 0
PE058.07 7/12/2007 2.50s d=Room of "Los Pasos Perdidos" 1 0
PE059.07 7/12/2007 2.50s d=Homeland stained glass 1 0
PE060.07 7/12/2007 2.50s d=Sculptures 1 0
PE061.07 7/26/2007 6.00s issue=Bicentenary of the birth of Giuseppe Garibaldi 1
PE062.07 7/30/2007 3.00s issue=Centenary of World Scout Movement perf=13.5 1
PE063.07 7/30/2007 3.00s 1 0
PE064.07 8/6/2007 2.50s dt=medicinal plants (2007 Peru) d=Bixa orellana (2007) 1
PE065.07 8/6/2007 2.50s d=Cestrum auriculatum 2
PE066.07 8/6/2007 2.50s d=toé (Brugmansia suaveolens) 3
PE067.07 8/6/2007 2.50s d=Anacardium occidentale (2007) 4
PE068.07 8/6/2007 2.50s d=Caesalpinia spinosa 5
PE069.07 8/6/2007 2.50s d=Croton lechleri 6
PE070.07 8/10/2007 2.00s issue=130th Anniversar..ra d=Raúl Maria Pereira & Pasaje Piura 1
PE071.07 8/20/2007 6.00s dt=viceroys of Peru d=Diego Fernandez de Cordoba perf=13.5
PE072.07 8/20/2007 6.00s d=Luis Jeronimo Cabrera 0
PE073.07 8/20/2007 6.00s d=Pedro de Toledo y Leiva 0
PE074.07 8/20/2007 6.00s d=Garcia Sarmiento de Sotomayor 0
PE075.07 9/10/2007 10.50s issue=60th Anniversary of the Institution Riva Aguero 1
PE076.07 9/15/2007 5.50s dt=birds of Peru (2007..Sarcoramphus papa (2007 Peru) perf=13.5
PE077.07 9/15/2007 5.50s d=Mimus longicaudatus 0
PE078.07 9/15/2007 5.50s d=Coereba flaveola (2007) 0
PE079.07 9/15/2007 5.50s d=Pyrocephalus rubinus (2007) 0
PE080.07 9/15/2007 2.00s issue=Centennial of th..rchestra of the National Police of Peru 1
PE081.07 9/15/2007 8.50s 1
PE082.07 9/17/2007 6.50s issue=125th Anniversary of the Great Masonic of Peru 1
PE083.07 9/28/2007 14.00s issue=50th Anniversary of Joint Command of the Armed forces 13
PE084.07 9/28/2007 10.00s d=Megatherium
PE085.07 9/28/2007 3.00s issue=Vintage Cars dt=..rn Speedster 851 SC, 1935 perf=13.5x3.5 1
PE086.07 9/28/2007 3.00s d=Clément Brass Phaeton 1 0
PE087.07 9/28/2007 3.00s d=Dodge Brothers Special 1 0
PE088.07 9/28/2007 3.00s d=Stutz BB Sedan Convertible 1 0
PE089.07 9/28/2007 3.00s d=Pierce Arrow 1603 Touring 1 0
PE090.07 10/1/2007 5.50s issue=450th Anniversar..te-Claire's Monastery - Cusco perf=13.5 1
PE091.07 10/1/2007 5.50s issue=Invertebrates 20..brates (2007) d=Macrodontia cervicornis 2
PE092.07 10/1/2007 5.50s d=Dynastes hercules (2007) 2 0
PE093.07 10/1/2007 5.50s d=Titanus giganteus 2 0
PE094.07 10/1/2007 5.50s d=Megasoma sp. 2 0
PE095.07 10/1/2007 6.00s issue=Cats 2007 dt=cats (2007 Peru) d=Angora (2007) 3
PE096.07 10/1/2007 6.00s d=Bengal cat (2007) 3 0
PE097.07 10/1/2007 6.00s d=Persian (2007) 3 0
PE098.07 10/1/2007 6.00s d=Siamese (2007) 3 0
PE099.07 10/8/2007 5.50s issue=350th Anniversary of the first Peruvian Boating Academy 2
PE100.07 10/8/2007 3.00s issue=150th Anniversar.. Carrión d=Don Daniel Alcides Carrión 1
PE101.07 10/9/2007 5.50s issue=America 2007 perf=13.5 1
PE102.07 10/9/2007 5.50s 1 0
PE103.07 10/15/2007 2.50s dt=Peruvian mushrooms d=Dyctiophora indusiata
PE104.07 10/15/2007 2.50s d=Sepultaria arenicola 0
PE105.07 10/15/2007 2.50s d=Marasmius haematocephalus (2007) 0
PE106.07 10/15/2007 2.50s d=Marasmiellus volvatus 0
PE107.07 10/19/2007 5.50s dt=wild dog - Speothos venaticus
PE108.07 10/19/2007 5.50s 0
PE109.07 10/19/2007 2.00s
PE110.07 10/19/2007 2.00s 0
PE111.07 10/29/2007 6.00s d=King Philippe's Fortress
PE112.07 11/4/2007 3.00s issue=Centenary of the..Peruvian Firefighters Company perf=13.5 1
PE113.07 11/4/2007 3.00s 1 0
PE114.07 11/5/2007 6.00s d=by Camilo Blas
PE115.07 11/12/2007 6.00s dt=Peruvian Culture d=Nasca culture
PE116.07 11/12/2007 7.00s d=Mochica culture
PE117.07 11/12/2007 14.50s d=Cahuachi
PE118.07 11/16/2007 6.00s issue=Economic Cooper..of the Asia-Pacific APEC 2008 perf=13.5 1
PE119.07 11/22/2007 2.00s issue=School Painting.. the theme Flora and Fauna of my Region 1
PE120.07 11/22/2007 2.00s 1 0
PE121.07 12/1/2007 6.00s issue=150th Anniversar..Sociedad Fundadores de la Independencia 1
PE122.07 12/1/2007 6.50s issue=Christmas 2007 1
PE123.07 12/1/2007 2.50s issue=150th Anniversar.. first Peruvian Postage stamp perf=13.5 2
PE124.07 12/1/2007 2.50s 2 0
PE125.07 12/1/2007 6.00s issue=Altars in Peru dt=Altars in Peru d=Lima's Cathedral 3
PE126.07 12/1/2007 8.50s d=Virgen del Carmen 3
PE127.07 12/17/2007 6.00s dt=Root Vegetables d=Yacón perf=13.5
PE128.07 12/17/2007 6.00s d=Yuca 0
PE129.07 12/27/2007 3.00s issue=Launching of the Space rocket-probe Paulet I 1
PE130.07 12/27/2007 3.00s 1 0
PE001.08 2/22/2008 3.00s d=Victor Raúl Haya de la Torre
PE002.08 3/10/2008 5.50s issue=150th Anniversary of the first official stamp of Peru 1
PE003.08 3/10/2008 5.50s 1 0
PE004.08 3/10/2008 5.50s 1 0
PE005.08 7/1/2008 1.40s issue=Olympics 2008 1
PE006.08 7/1/2008 1.40s 1 0
PE007.08 7/1/2008 1.40s 1 0
PE008.08 7/1/2008 1.40s 1 0
PE009.08 6/3/2008 5.50s issue=300th Anniversary.. Monastery of Santa Rosa de Santa Maria 1
PE010.08 6/4/2008 10.00s issue=20th Anniversary.. Scientific Expedition in the Antarctic 1
PE011.08 6/4/2008 10.00s 1 0
PE012.08 6/8/2008 3.00s issue=Centenary of the Philharmonic Society of Lima 1
PE013.08 6/8/2008 3.00s 1 0
PE014.08 6/17/2008 6.50s issue=Bicentenary of t..etery of Lima Presbitero Matias Maestro 1
PE015.08 6/17/2008 6.50s 1 0
PE016.08 6/24/2008 10.00s issue=Exporta Facil 1
PE017.08 6/24/2008 6.00s issue=viceroys of Peru..eroys of Peru d=Luis Enriquez de Guzman 2
PE018.08 6/24/2008 6.00s d=Diego de Benavides y de la Cueva 2 0
PE019.08 6/24/2008 6.00s d=Pedro Antonio Fernandez 2 0
PE020.08 6/24/2008 6.00s d=Baltasar de la Cueva 2 0
PE021.08 6/24/2008 6.50s issue=Grape Harvest Feast 3
PE022.08 6/24/2008 6.50s 3 0
PE023.08 7/1/2008 6.50s issue=V Summit of Head of State and Government 2
PE024.08 7/2/2008 6.50s issue=Latin American Parliamentary Summit 1
PE025.08 7/3/2008 2.50s issue=Centenary of the Birth of Aurelio Miro Quesada Sosa 1
PE026.08 7/4/2008 2.50s issue=Alphabetisation National Campaign 1
PE027.08 7/7/2008 7.50s issue=New Seven Wonders of the World d=Chichen Itza - Mexico 1
PE028.08 7/7/2008 2.50s d=Petra - Jordan 1
PE029.08 7/7/2008 10.00s d=Coliseum - Rome 1
PE030.08 7/7/2008 2.50s d=Machu Picchu - Peru 1
PE031.08 7/7/2008 10.50s d=Taj Mahal - India 1
PE032.08 7/7/2008 2.50s d=Great Wall - China 1
PE033.08 7/7/2008 2.50s d=Cristo Redentor - Brazil 1 0
PE034.08 7/8/2008 5.50s dt=exports from Peru d=avocado (2008)
PE035.08 7/8/2008 5.50s d=cotton 0
PE036.08 7/8/2008 5.50s d=olive 0
PE037.08 7/18/2008 3.00s dt=fishes of the River..eru d=Peje Torre - Flat-nosed Catfishes 1
PE038.08 7/18/2008 3.00s d=Palometa Mylossoma duriventre 2
PE039.08 7/18/2008 3.00s d=Paco 3
PE040.08 7/18/2008 3.00s d=Bocon 4
PE041.08 7/18/2008 3.00s d=Sabalo de Cola Negra 5
PE042.08 8/5/2008 6.50s issue=The Final Judgement 1
PE043.08 8/5/2008 6.50s 1 0
PE044.08 8/5/2008 6.50s 1 0
PE045.08 8/5/2008 6.50s 1 0
PE046.08 8/6/2008 6.00s issue=60 Years since th..ic Medal - Shooting - Edwin Vasquez Cam 1
PE047.08 8/13/2008 7.50s dt=cacti of Peru d=Melocactus onychacanthus
PE048.08 8/13/2008 7.50s d=Matucana oreodoxa 0
PE049.08 8/13/2008 7.50s d=Espostoa mirabilis 0
PE050.08 8/22/2008 2.00s d=Javier Arias Stella
PE051.08 9/3/2008 5.50s issue=International Year of the Potato 1
PE052.08 9/3/2008 7.00s dt=orchids of Peru d=Cattleya maxima (2008) 2
PE053.08 9/3/2008 7.00s d=Cattleya rex (2008) 1
PE054.08 9/8/2008 10.50s issue=Centenary of the Crypt of the Heroes 1
PE055.08 9/10/2008 6.00s dt=Peruvian cultures d=Recuay
PE056.08 9/10/2008 2.00s d=Tiahuanaco
PE057.08 10/3/2008 6.50s dt=art (2008) d=ballet (2008)
PE058.08 10/3/2008 6.50s d=Theatre 0
PE059.08 10/3/2008 6.00s issue=80 Years of the .. of the National University of Trujillo 1
PE060.08 10/3/2008 2.00s dt=arachnids of Peru d=Araneidae micrathena sp
PE061.08 10/3/2008 2.00s d=Lycosinae lycosinae sp 0
PE062.08 10/3/2008 2.00s d=Salticidae 0
PE063.08 10/3/2008 2.00s d=Lycosinae aglaoctenus 0
PE064.08 10/13/2008 8.50s dt=Coins & Banknotes of St Martin
PE065.08 10/13/2008 8.50s 0
PE066.08 10/21/2008 10.50s
PE067.08 10/28/2008 6.00s issue=60th Anniversar.. of the Inquisition and of the Congress 1
PE068.08 10/28/2008 6.00s 1 0
PE069.08 10/28/2008 6.50s issue=Respect the Road Signs 2
PE070.08 11/3/2008 2.00s issue=50th Anniversary..nal Hospital Edgardo Rebagliati Martins 1
PE071.08 11/5/2008 6.00s dt=Paracas Loincloths
PE072.08 11/5/2008 6.00s 0
PE073.08 11/5/2008 6.00s 0
PE074.08 11/5/2008 6.00s 0
PE075.08 11/19/2008 7.50s d=Xenoglaux loweryi (2008)
PE076.08 11/21/2008 2.00s issue=School Contest ..ainting & Drawing - Fight against Drugs 1
PE077.08 11/21/2008 2.00s 1 0
PE078.08 12/1/2008 8.50s issue=Christmas 2008 1
PE079.08 12/4/2008 6.00s issue=Trade Agreement - Peru-USA 1
PE080.08 12/10/2008 2.00s d=Brother Jeronimo de Loayza Gonzalez
PE081.08 12/10/2008 2.50s d=Wiracocha
PE082.08 12/10/2008 2.50s 0
PE083.08 12/10/2008 2.50s 0
PE001.09 1/15/2009 2.20s issue=Protection of the Polar Regions and Glaciers 1
PE002.09 1/15/2009 2.20s 1 0
PE003.09 1/15/2009 2.20s 1 0
PE004.09 1/15/2009 2.20s 1 0
PE005.09 2/11/2009 6.50s issue=30th Anniversary..e University of Business Administration 1
PE006.09 3/6/2009 5.50s issue=International Heliophysical Year 1
PE007.09 3/9/2009 6.50s dt=lighthouses of Peru d=Muelle Darsena
PE008.09 3/9/2009 6.50s d=La Marina 0
PE009.09 3/13/2009 2.50s dt=sunflowers (2009)
PE010.09 3/13/2009 2.50s 0
PE011.09 3/16/2009 6.50s dt=Cultural Values
PE012.09 3/16/2009 6.50s 0
PE013.09 3/23/2009 2.00s issue=World Meteorological Day 2009 1
PE014.09 3/23/2009 2.00s dt=Canyons of Peru d=Canon del Colca
PE015.09 3/23/2009 2.00s d=Canon del Cotahuasi 0
PE016.09 3/23/2009 2.00s d=Canon del Pato 0
PE017.09 3/30/2009 7.00s dt=Skydiving
PE018.09 3/30/2009 7.00s 0
PE019.09 4/8/2009 2.50s issue=Chinese Zodiac 2009 1
PE020.09 4/8/2009 2.50s 1 0
PE021.09 4/22/2009 5.50s issue=World Earth Day 2009 1
PE022.09 4/23/2009 6.00s dt=viceroys of Peru d=Melchor de Linan
PE023.09 4/23/2009 6.00s d=Melchor de Navarra 0
PE024.09 4/23/2009 6.00s d=Melchor Portocarrero 0
PE025.09 4/23/2009 6.00s d=Manuel de Oms 0
PE026.09 4/30/2009 2.00s issue=50th Anniversary..the National University of Central Peru 1
PE027.09 4/30/2009 2.00s issue=400th Anniversary of the Royal Commentaries of the Incas 2
PE028.09 4/30/2009 2.00s 2 0
PE029.09 4/30/2009 10.50s issue=America 2009 dt=Traditional Games of Peru d=La Ronda 3
PE030.09 4/30/2009 10.50s d=Vuelo de Cometa 3 0
PE031.09 5/4/2009 7.50s issue=Endangered Species 2009 d=Blastocerus dichotomus 1
PE032.09 5/4/2009 7.50s d=Pelicanoides garnotii 1 0
PE033.09 5/4/2009 7.50s d=Charapa Podocnemis expansa 1 0
PE034.09 5/4/2009 7.50s d=Crax unicornis 1 0
PE035.09 5/8/2009 3.00s dt=Currencies of Peru
PE036.09 5/8/2009 3.00s 0
PE037.09 5/11/2009 6.50s dt=Peruvian Handicrafts
PE038.09 5/11/2009 6.50s 0
PE039.09 5/11/2009 6.50s 0
PE040.09 5/15/2009 7.00s d=Peruvian Hairless Dog
PE041.09 5/18/2009 10.00s dt=crustaceans of Peru
PE042.09 5/18/2009 10.00s 0
PE043.09 5/18/2009 10.00s 0
PE044.09 5/18/2009 10.00s 0
PE045.09 5/21/2009 5.50s issue=80th Anniversary of the District of Santiago de Surco 1
PE046.09 5/22/2009 2.50s dt=Submarines of Peru d=Pisagua
PE047.09 5/22/2009 2.50s d=B.A.P. "Arica" 0
PE048.09 5/29/2009 2.00s issue=Dental University of Peru 45th 1
PE049.09 6/24/2009 2.50s d=Cusco
PE050.09 6/25/2009 5.50s issue=World Rabies Day 2009 1
PE051.09 6/30/2009 2.20s issue=Bicentenary of Birth of Louis Braille 1
PE052.09 6/30/2009 2.20s 1 0
PE053.09 7/3/2009 2.00s dt=Peruvian cultures d=Huari
PE054.09 7/3/2009 2.00s d=Chimu 0
PE055.09 7/8/2009 2.50s issue=Centenary of the Birth of Ciro Alegria d=Ciro Alegria 1
PE056.09 7/10/2009 7.50s d=Archaeological Site of Cumbemayo
PE057.09 7/17/2009 2.50s dt=Rivers & Lakes of Peru d=Lake Titicaca (2009)
PE058.09 7/17/2009 2.50s d=Amazon River 0
PE059.09 7/21/2009 2.00s issue=60th Anniversary of the Peruvian Philatelic Society 1
PE060.09 8/2/2009 2.00s issue=30th Anniversary ..e Death of Victor Raul Haya de la Torre 1
PE061.09 8/3/2009 3.00s dt=Peruvian gastronomy d=Tacacho con cecina
PE062.09 8/3/2009 3.00s d=Ocopa 0
PE063.09 8/3/2009 3.00s d=Cebiche de conchas negras 0
PE064.09 8/3/2009 3.00s d=Picante de papa con cuy frito 0
PE065.09 8/3/2009 3.00s d=Frejoles con cabrito 0
PE066.09 8/6/2009 6.00s dt=Inca Roads d=Puente Inca de Qeswachaca
PE067.09 8/6/2009 6.00s d=Camino Inca Wanacaure 0
PE068.09 8/6/2009 6.00s d=Sector Escalerayoc 0
PE069.09 8/6/2009 7.50s d=Quebrada Huarautambo
PE070.09 8/10/2009 7.50s issue=Free Trade Agreement Peru-China 1
PE071.09 8/19/2009 2.50s dt=Export Products d=coffee (2009)
PE072.09 8/19/2009 2.50s d=Cuy 0
PE073.09 8/26/2009 7.00s d=Baguatherium jaureguli
PE074.09 8/30/2009 6.50s dt=molluscs of Peru d=Megalobulimus popelairianus
PE075.09 8/30/2009 6.50s d=Megalobulimus capillaceus 0
PE076.09 8/30/2009 6.50s d=Scutalus versicolour 0
PE077.09 8/30/2009 6.50s d=Scutalus proteus 0
PE078.09 10/12/2009 8.50s issue=160 Years of Chinese Immigration to Peru 1
PE079.09 10/13/2009 5.50s d=National Museum of ..ology, Anthropology and History of Peru
PE080.09 11/9/2009 6.00s dt=birds of Peru (2009) d=spotted sandpiper
PE081.09 11/9/2009 6.00s d=Ferruginous Pygmy Owl 0
PE082.09 11/9/2009 6.00s d=whimbrel (2009) 0
PE083.09 11/9/2009 6.00s d=little blue heron (2009) 0
PE084.09 11/12/2009 10.50s d=Luciano Pavarotti
PE085.09 11/22/2009 2.00s issue=Third School Co.. and Drawing - Environmental Protection 1
PE086.09 11/22/2009 2.00s 1 0
PE087.09 11/30/2009 2.20s issue=Christmas 2009 1
PE001.10 6/7/2010 3.00s issue=Kuelap perf=14 1
PE002.10 6/7/2010 3.00s 1 0
PE003.10 6/7/2010 3.00s 1 0
PE004.10 6/22/2010 2.20s issue=El Metropolitana 1
PE005.10 6/22/2010 2.20s 1 0
PE006.10 8/9/2010 0.50s d=Javier Perez de Cuellar
PE007.10 8/12/2010 0.40s issue=400th Anniversary of the Death of San Francisco Solano 12
PE008.10 8/12/2010 2.00s issue=400th Anniversary of the Archdiocese of Arequipa 11
PE009.10 8/12/2010 0.30s dt=dog Breeds (2010) d=Samoyed perf=14
PE010.10 8/12/2010 0.30s d=Siberian husky (2010) 0
PE011.10 8/12/2010 0.50s d=Gustavo Pons Muzzo
PE012.10 8/13/2010 0.40s issue=50th Anniversary of Death of Rebeca Carrion Cachot 1
PE013.10 8/13/2010 0.10s issue=Afro-Peruvian Culture Day 2010 perf=14 2
PE014.10 8/13/2010 0.10s 2 0
PE015.10 8/13/2010 10.00s issue=World Cup 2010 3
PE016.10 8/13/2010 10.00s 3 0
PE017.10 8/13/2010 10.00s 3 0
PE018.10 8/13/2010 10.00s 3 0
PE019.10 8/21/2010 3.00s issue=Lima Tourist Circuit 1
PE020.10 8/21/2010 3.00s 1 0
PE021.10 8/21/2010 3.00s d=numismatics
PE022.10 8/24/2010 6.00s dt=Peruvian mushrooms d=Suillus luteus (2010)
PE023.10 8/24/2010 6.00s d=Pleurotus cornucopiae 0
PE024.10 8/26/2010 0.20s issue=Year of the Tiger 2010 1
PE025.10 8/26/2010 0.20s 1 0
PE026.10 9/1/2010 3.00s dt=viceroys of Peru d=Diego Ladron de Guevara
PE027.10 9/1/2010 3.00s d=Carmine Nicolao Caracciolo 0
PE028.10 9/1/2010 3.00s d=Diego Morcillo Rubio de Aunon 0
PE029.10 9/1/2010 3.00s d=Jose de Armendariz 0
PE030.10 9/3/2010 2.00s issue=Centenary of Crossing the Alps by Jorge Chavez 15
PE031.10 9/3/2010 10.00s d=Archaeology
PE032.10 9/7/2010 0.50s dt=Peruvian cultures perf=14
PE033.10 9/7/2010 0.50s 0
PE034.10 9/9/2010 6.00s issue=150th Anniversary of the Volunteer Firemen in Peru 1
PE035.10 9/9/2010 6.00s 1 0
PE036.10 9/10/2010 3.00s d=Club Alianza Lima
PE037.10 9/16/2010 3.00s dt=Peruvian orchids perf=14
PE038.10 9/16/2010 3.00s 0
PE039.10 9/16/2010 3.00s 0
PE040.10 9/16/2010 3.00s 0
PE041.10 9/17/2010 3.00s d=Colegio Nacional Iquitos
PE042.10 9/21/2010 3.00s d=windsurfing perf=14
PE043.10 9/21/2010 3.00s issue=Bicentenary of birth of Frederic Chopin 14
PE044.10 9/21/2010 10.00s d=Thalassocnus littoralis
PE045.10 9/24/2010 3.00s d=Melgar
PE046.10 10/5/2010 5.00s issue=America 2010 perf=14 1
PE047.10 10/5/2010 5.00s 1 0
PE048.10 10/29/2010 5.00s d=Ollantaytambo - Cusco
PE049.10 11/2/2010 10.00s issue=Christmas 2010 1
PE050.10 11/22/2010 2.00s issue=Painting Contest d=by Jimena Vega perf=14 1
PE051.10 11/22/2010 2.00s d=by Bettita Paz 1 0
PE052.10 11/25/2010 2.00s dt=Peruvian Handicrafts
PE053.10 11/25/2010 2.00s 0
PE054.10 11/25/2010 2.00s 0
PE001.11 1/15/2011 7.80s issue=40th Lions Forum for Latin America and Caribbean 1
PE002.11 1/18/2011 2.00s d=San Sebastian, Patron of the Province of Chepen
PE003.11 1/31/2011 6.60s issue=Jose Maria Arguedas 100th d=Jose Maria Arguedas perf=14 1
PE004.11 3/23/2011 2.00s issue=UPAEP 100th 1
PE005.11 5/16/2011 5.00s d=South Pier of the Harbour of Callao
PE006.11 5/16/2011 5.20s d=South Interoceanic Highway
PE007.11 5/25/2011 6.40s issue=Scouting in Peru 100th perf=14 1
PE008.11 5/25/2011 6.40s 1 0
PE009.11 6/7/2011 6.60s issue=50th Anniversary of the Radio Telescope of Jicamarca 1
PE010.11 6/8/2011 7.80s issue=Nobel Prize for d=Mario Vargas Llosa receiving Nobel 1
PE011.11 6/9/2011 7.20s issue=Centenary of the Submarine Forces of Peru perf=14 1
PE012.11 6/9/2011 7.20s 1 0
PE013.11 6/13/2011 2.40s issue=Centenary of Bir..dal d=Sabio Peruano Javier Pulgar Vidal 1
PE014.11 6/13/2011 5.50s issue=HIV Prevention perf=14 2
PE015.11 6/13/2011 5.50s 2 0
PE016.11 6/20/2011 7.20s issue=Francisco Antonio de Zela 1
PE017.11 6/20/2011 7.20s 1 0
PE018.11 6/23/2011 2.70s issue=50th Anniversary..onal University of Peruvian Amazon UNAP 1
PE019.11 6/23/2011 5.00s d=Great National Theatre of Peru
PE020.11 6/24/2011 6.40s issue=Peruvian Cultures d=Chachapoyas perf=14 1
PE021.11 6/24/2011 6.40s d=Incas 1 0
PE022.11 7/1/2011 7.80s dt=viceroys of Peru d=Jose Antonio de Mendoza 1
PE023.11 7/1/2011 7.80s d=Jose Antonio Manso de Velasco 2
PE024.11 7/1/2011 7.80s d=Manuel de Amat y Junyent (2011) 3
PE025.11 7/1/2011 7.80s d=Manuel Guirior 4
PE026.11 7/5/2011 7.80s d=Extreme Sports - Motocross
PE027.11 7/5/2011 5.50s issue=Year of the Rabbit 2011 1
PE028.11 7/5/2011 5.50s 1 0
PE029.11 7/5/2011 7.80s issue=Centenary of Discovery of Machu Picchu 16
PE030.11 7/13/2011 9.00s issue=Peruvian Folklore d=Huaconada 1
PE031.11 7/13/2011 9.00s d=Danza de las Tijeras 1 0
PE032.11 7/16/2011 5.50s issue=Electric Train Transportation - Lima Subway 1
PE033.11 7/16/2011 5.50s 1 0
PE034.11 7/19/2011 10.50s d=orchid Maxillaria pyhalae
PE035.11 7/25/2011 2.40s dt=presidents of Peru .. the Government - XVIII century perf=14 1
PE036.11 7/25/2011 2.40s d=Mariscal Jose de la Mar 2
PE037.11 7/25/2011 2.40s d=Gen. Agustin Gamarra 3
PE038.11 7/25/2011 2.40s d=Gen. Luis Jose de Orbegoso 4
PE039.11 7/25/2011 2.40s d=Gen. Felipe Santiago Salaverry 5
PE040.11 7/25/2011 2.40s d=Mariscal Andres de Santa Cruz 6
PE041.11 7/25/2011 2.40s d=Manuel Menendez 7
PE042.11 7/25/2011 2.40s d=Gen. Juan Crisotomo Torrico 8
PE043.11 7/25/2011 2.40s d=Justo Figuerola 9
PE044.11 7/25/2011 2.40s d=Palace of the Government - XX century 10
PE045.11 7/25/2011 2.40s d=Gen. Manuel Ignacio de Vivanco 11
PE046.11 7/25/2011 2.40s d=Gen. Ramón Castilla 12
PE047.11 7/25/2011 2.40s d=Gen. Jose Rufino Echenique 13
PE048.11 7/25/2011 2.40s d=Gen. Miguel de San Roman 14
PE049.11 7/25/2011 2.40s d=Gen. Juan Antonio Pezet 15
PE050.11 7/25/2011 2.40s d=Gen. Mariano Ignacio Prado 16
PE051.11 7/25/2011 2.40s d=Cor. Jose Balta 17
PE052.11 7/25/2011 2.40s d=Manuel Pardo y Lavalle 18
PE053.11 7/25/2011 2.40s d=Gen. Luis La Puerta 19
PE054.11 7/25/2011 2.40s d=Nicolás de Piérola 20
PE055.11 7/25/2011 2.40s d=Francisco Garcia Calderon 21
PE056.11 7/25/2011 2.40s d=Contralm. Lizardo Montero 22
PE057.11 7/25/2011 2.40s d=Gen. Miguel Iglesias 23
PE058.11 7/25/2011 2.40s d=Palace of the Government - Salon Dorado 24
PE059.11 7/25/2011 2.40s d=Palace of the Government - Main entrance 25
PE060.11 7/25/2011 2.40s d=Palace of the Government - Coat of arms and flag 26
PE061.11 7/25/2011 2.40s d=Palace of the Government - Salon Tupac Amaru 27
PE062.11 7/25/2011 2.40s d=Gen. Andres A Caceres 28
PE063.11 7/25/2011 2.40s d=Cor. Remigio Morales Bermudez 29
PE064.11 7/25/2011 2.40s d=Eduardo Lopez de Romana 30
PE065.11 7/25/2011 2.40s d=Manuel Candamo 31
PE066.11 7/25/2011 2.40s d=Jose Pardo Barreda 32
PE067.11 7/25/2011 2.40s d=Augusto B. Leguía 33
PE068.11 7/25/2011 2.40s d=Guillermo Billinghurst 34
PE069.11 7/25/2011 2.40s d=Gen. Oscar Benavides 35
PE070.11 7/25/2011 2.40s d=Comdte. Luis M Sanchez Cerro 36
PE071.11 7/25/2011 2.40s d=Manuel Prado y Ugarteche 37
PE072.11 7/25/2011 2.40s d=Jose Luis Bustamante y Rivero 38
PE073.11 7/25/2011 2.40s d=Gen. Manuel A. Odria 39
PE074.11 7/25/2011 2.40s d=Gen. Ricardo Perez Godoy 40
PE075.11 7/25/2011 2.40s d=Palacio de Gobierno - Guardia de Honor 41
PE076.11 7/25/2011 2.40s d=Nicolas Lindley 42
PE077.11 7/25/2011 2.40s d=Fernando Belaunde Terry 43
PE078.11 7/25/2011 2.40s d=Gen. Juan Velasco Alvarado 44
PE079.11 7/25/2011 2.40s d=Gen. Franciso Morales Bermudez 45
PE080.11 7/25/2011 2.40s d=Alan Garcia Perez 46
PE081.11 7/25/2011 2.40s d=Alberto Fujimori 47
PE082.11 7/25/2011 2.40s d=Valentín Paniagua 48
PE083.11 7/25/2011 2.40s d=Alejandro Toledo Manrique 49
PE084.11 7/25/2011 2.40s d=Palace of the Government - XXI century 50
PE085.11 8/1/2011 7.20s issue=International Year of Chemistry 1
PE086.11 8/18/2011 2.40s issue=School Painting Contest d=Primer Puesto perf=14 1
PE087.11 8/18/2011 0.20s d=Segundo Puesto 1
PE088.11 8/19/2011 5.80s issue=150th Anniversary of the National Archives 3
PE089.11 8/25/2011 7.80s dt=Peruvian gastronomy d=Lomo Saltado perf=14 1
PE090.11 8/25/2011 7.80s d=Aji de Gallina 2
PE091.11 8/25/2011 7.80s d=Chicharron 3
PE092.11 8/25/2011 7.80s d=Tiradito 4
PE093.11 9/9/2011 3.60s d=Clorinda Matto de Turner
PE094.11 9/12/2011 5.80s issue=Numismatics perf=14 1
PE095.11 9/12/2011 5.80s 1 0
PE096.11 9/22/2011 3.60s issue=50th Anniversary of Cayetano Heredia University 1
PE097.11 9/23/2011 7.20s issue=Centenary of the First Flight in Peru 1
PE098.11 10/10/2011 7.80s dt=primates of Peru d=Lagothrix flavicauda perf=14 1
PE099.11 10/10/2011 7.80s d=Callicebus oenanthe 2
PE100.11 10/10/2011 7.80s d=Aotus miconax 3
PE101.11 10/10/2011 7.80s d=Cacajao calvus 4
PE102.11 10/11/2011 8.50s issue=Native Flora - old cotton - Gossypium barbadense L. 1
PE103.11 10/11/2011 8.50s 1 0
PE104.11 10/17/2011 10.00s d=Prehistoric Animals - Giant Whale
PE105.11 10/22/2011 5.80s issue=Franz Liszt 200th d=Franz Liszt (2011 Peru) perf=14 1
PE106.11 10/28/2011 10.00s dt=endangered species (2011) d=Cinclodes palliatus
PE107.11 10/28/2011 10.00s d=Loddigesia mirabilis 0
PE108.11 11/1/2011 5.50s issue=Christmas 2011 1
PE109.11 11/2/2011 10.00s issue=UPAEP 2011 - Mailboxes perf=14 1
PE110.11 11/2/2011 10.00s 1 0
PE111.11 11/4/2011 5.20s d=Peruvian Photographs
PE112.11 11/10/2011 6.60s issue=Peru, world Champion for Biological Coffee 10
PE113.11 10/10/2011 7.80s dt=primates of Peru d=Aotus miconax perf=14 3
PE001.13 3/1/2013 3.30s issue=50th Anniversary ..Relations with Australia d=sloth (2013) 1
PE002.13 3/1/2013 3.30s d=koala (2013) 1 0
PE003.13 3/19/2013 3.60s issue=50th Anniversary..atic Relations with India d=Machu Pichu 1
PE004.13 3/19/2013 3.60s d=Taj Mahal (2013) 1 0
PE005.13 4/1/2013 3.00s issue=50th Anniversary ..s with Korea d=Seongsan Ilchulbong Peak 1
PE006.13 4/1/2013 2.50s d=Machu Pichu 1
PE007.13 6/13/2013 5.50s issue=80th Anniversary of SEMAN Peru 1
PE008.13 8/2/2013 2.50s issue=60th Anniversary ..ort Fishing World Record Alfred Glassel 1
PE009.13 8/2/2013 2.50s 1 0
PE010.13 8/15/2013 6.00s issue=Year of the Dragon 2012 1
PE011.13 8/15/2013 6.00s 1 0
PE012.13 8/21/2013 6.00s issue=140th Anniversar..atic Relations with Japan d=Machu Pichu 1
PE013.13 8/21/2013 6.00s d=Kinkakuji 1 0
PE014.13 8/23/2013 6.00s d=Santa Teresa Convent
PE015.13 8/28/2013 6.00s d=Ancash Lytic Park - Human figure monoliths
PE016.13 8/29/2013 8.00s d=Benavidesite
PE017.13 9/5/2013 4.00s issue=50th Anniversary of National University Federico Villareal 1
PE018.13 9/12/2013 10.00s d=Inkayacu paracasensis
PE019.13 9/13/2013 4.00s issue=475th Anniversary of Cusco Archdiocese 1
PE020.13 9/27/2013 5.50s issue=International Year of Quinoa 19
PE021.13 9/27/2013 10.00s d=Qorikancha
PE022.13 9/27/2013 10.00s d=Archeological Complex of Sun and Moon 0
PE023.13 10/1/2013 5.00s dt=Numismatics in Peru
PE024.13 10/1/2013 5.00s 0
PE025.13 10/1/2013 6.00s
PE026.13 10/1/2013 6.00s 0
PE027.13 10/4/2013 4.00s issue=95th Anniversary of the Natural History Museum, Lima 1
PE028.13 10/11/2013 10.00s d=Rock Paintings of Chahuaytiri
PE029.13 10/12/2013 10.00s d=Canaanimys maquiensis
PE030.13 10/14/2013 3.00s dt=eagles of Peru d=Harpia harpyja (2013)
PE031.13 10/14/2013 3.00s d=Morphnus guianensis 0
PE032.13 10/14/2013 3.00s d=Spizaetus ornatus 0
PE033.13 10/14/2013 3.00s d=Spizaetus isidori 0
PE034.13 10/24/2013 4.00s dt=Butterflies of Peru (2013) d=Hypanartia splendida
PE035.13 10/24/2013 4.00s d=Isanthrene flavizonata 0
PE036.13 10/24/2013 4.00s d=Protesilaus glaucolaus 0
PE037.13 10/24/2013 4.00s d=Histioea peruana 0
PE038.13 10/30/2013 5.00s dt=hummingbirds of Peru d=Heliangelus regalis
PE039.13 10/30/2013 5.00s d=Myrtis fanny 0
PE040.13 10/30/2013 5.00s d=Taphrolesbia griseiventris 0
PE041.13 10/30/2013 5.00s d=Rhodopis vesper 0
PE042.13 11/4/2013 4.00s issue=America 2013 1
PE043.13 11/4/2013 4.00s 1 0
PE044.13 11/4/2013 4.00s 1 0
PE045.13 11/4/2013 4.00s 1 0
PE046.13 11/4/2013 4.00s issue=50th Anniversary of the Canonization of Martin de Porres 2
PE047.13 11/4/2013 6.00s issue=45th Anniversary..tic Relations with Russia d=Machu Pichu 3
PE048.13 11/4/2013 6.00s d=Kizhi Pogost 3 0
PE049.13 11/11/2013 8.00s d=Amazonia
PE050.13 11/13/2013 6.00s dt=popes (2013) d=Pope Francis (2013)
PE051.13 11/13/2013 6.00s 0
PE052.13 11/13/2013 6.00s 0
PE053.13 11/13/2013 6.00s d=Pope Benedict XVI 0
PE054.13 11/15/2013 10.00s d=Inca Walls in Cusco
PE055.13 12/2/2013 4.00s issue=6th School Painting Contest d=First Prize 1
PE056.13 12/2/2013 4.00s d=Second Prize 1 0
PE057.13 12/6/2013 4.00s issue=7th School Painting Contest d=First Prize 1
PE058.13 12/6/2013 4.00s d=Second Prize 1 0
PE001.14 1/30/2014 8.00s issue=15th Anniversary of the Signing of Brasilia's Agreements 1
PE002.14 2/28/2014 9.50s issue=Multiparty Trade Agreement 1
PE003.14 4/8/2014 3.80s issue=Centenary of the of Capitain José Abelardo Quiñones 1
PE004.14 7/23/2014 6.00s issue=180th Anniversary of the Birth of Miguel Grau 1
PE005.14 9/15/2014 3.80s issue=Peruvian Sea Institute 1
PE006.14 9/17/2014 7.00s d=Caballito de Totora
PE007.14 9/19/2014 6.00s d=Water Temple Tambomchay
PE008.14 9/22/2014 7.00s issue=170th Anniversary of Birth of Manuel Gonzalez Prada 1
PE009.14 9/24/2014 6.00s d=Kotosh Temple
PE010.14 9/26/2014 7.00s issue=John XXIII Canonization d=John XXIII 2
PE011.14 9/26/2014 7.00s issue=John Paul II Canonization d=John Paul II 1
PE012.14 9/30/2014 6.00s issue=Prehispanic Peruvian Musical Instruments 1
PE013.14 9/30/2014 6.00s 1 0
PE014.14 9/30/2014 8.00s d=Mummies of Leymebamba
PE015.14 10/3/2014 6.00s issue=450th Anniversary of the Birth of William Shakespeare 1
PE016.14 10/7/2014 6.50s issue=Viceroys of Peru d=Agustín de Jàuregui y Aldecoa 2 1
PE017.14 10/7/2014 6.50s d=Teodoro de Croix 2 2
PE018.14 10/7/2014 6.50s d=Francisco Gil de Taboada y Lemus 2 3
PE019.14 10/7/2014 6.50s d=Ambrosio O'Higgins (2014) 2 4
PE020.14 10/13/2014 8.00s d=Priestess of Chornancap
PE021.14 10/17/2014 9.00s issue=Birds of Peru d=Crotophaga sulcirostris (2014) 1
PE022.14 10/17/2014 9.00s d=Xenospingus concolor 1 0
PE023.14 10/17/2014 9.00s d=Burhinus superciliaris 1 0
PE024.14 10/17/2014 9.00s d=Glaucidium peruanum 1 0
PE025.14 10/17/2014 8.00s issue=Dances and Costumes 2014 2
PE026.14 10/17/2014 8.00s 2 0
PE027.14 10/20/2014 9.50s issue=Flora of Peru d..s of Peru d=caoba Swietenia macrophylla 1 1
PE028.14 10/20/2014 9.50s d=cedro Cedrela fissilis 1 2
PE029.14 10/20/2014 9.50s d=lupuna Ceiba pentandra 1 3
PE030.14 10/20/2014 9.50s d=algarrobo Prosopis pallida 1 4
PE031.14 10/23/2014 6.00s issue=150th Anniversary of the Navy and Foundation of Iquitos 1
PE032.14 10/26/2014 7.00s issue=140th Anniversary of the District of Barranco 1
PE033.14 11/3/2014 11.00s issue=Fauna of Peru 2014 d=Panthera onca (2014) 1 1
PE034.14 11/3/2014 11.00s d=Dinomys branickii 1 2
PE035.14 11/3/2014 11.00s d=Tapirus pinchaque (2014) 1 3
PE036.14 11/3/2014 11.00s d=Leopardus jacobitus 1 4
PE037.14 11/5/2014 8.00s d=Sycorax peruensis
PE038.14 11/10/2014 6.00s issue=Minerals 2014 dt=minerals (2014 Peru) d=quartz (2014) 1
PE039.14 11/10/2014 8.00s d=jasper (2014) 1
PE040.14 11/14/2014 6.00s issue=Christmas 2014 1
PE041.14 11/17/2014 9.50s issue=50th Anniversar.. Legends Park d=Cebuella pygmaea (2014) 1
PE042.14 11/17/2014 9.50s d=Ateles belzebuth 1 0
PE043.14 11/22/2014 6.00s issue=20th Anniversary of Serpost SA 1
PE044.14 11/28/2014 3.80s issue=World Cup 2014 1 1
PE045.14 11/28/2014 3.80s 1 2
PE046.14 11/28/2014 3.80s 1 3
PE047.14 11/28/2014 3.80s 1 4
PE048.14 12/1/2014 10.00s issue=Pancho Fierro's Paintings d=El Soldado y la Rabona 1 1
PE049.14 12/1/2014 10.00s d=Fraile de la Buena Muerte 1 2
PE050.14 12/1/2014 10.00s d=El Notario Publico 1 3
PE051.14 12/1/2014 10.00s d=La Hermana de la Caridad 1 4
PE052.14 12/3/2014 9.00s issue=UPAEP 2014 d=Mariano Melgar (2014) 1 2
PE053.14 12/3/2014 9.00s d=José Olaya 1 1
PE054.14 12/5/2014 6.50s d=Year of the Snake 2013 1
PE055.14 12/5/2014 6.50s d=Year of the Horse 2014 2
PE056.14 12/9/2014 10.00s issue=Numismatics in Peru d=Peruvian gold Pound obverse 1
PE057.14 12/9/2014 10.00s d=Peruvian gold Pound reverse 1 0
PE058.14 12/9/2014 5.00s issue=190th Anniversary of the Battle of Ayacucho 2
PE059.14 12/10/2014 3.80s issue=90th Anniversary of Arzobispo Loayza Hospital 1
PE060.14 12/15/2014 11.00s issue=Buggies 1 1
PE061.14 12/15/2014 11.00s 1 2
PE062.14 12/15/2014 11.00s 1 3
PE063.14 12/15/2014 11.00s 1 4
PE001.16 11/17/2016 9s issue=30 years of diplomatic relations with Malaysia 2
PE002.16 11/17/2016 9s d=Machu Picchu 2 0
PE003.16 11/17/2016 4s issue=45 years of diplomatic relations with China 3
PE004.16 11/17/2016 4s 3 0
PE005.16 11/17/2016 10s issue=Meeting of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation 4
PE006.16 11/17/2016 6.50s issue=Christmas 2016 d=Virgen de los Dolores Cajamarca 1
PE007.16 12/19/2016 8s blk issue=200th birthday.. Bolognesi d=Francisco Bolognesi (2016) 1
PE008.16 12/21/2016 3s multi issue=Cajamarca - ..s historic cultural heritage of America 1
PE009.16 12/21/2016 3s 1 0
PE010.16 12/22/2016 10s issue=50 years of the Banco de la Nación del Peru 1
PE011.16 12/23/2016 10s issue=85th anniv of the National Institute of Andean Biology 1
PE012.16 12/26/2016 10s issue=35th anniv of the Department of Public Prosecution 1
PE013.16 12/28/2016 10s issue=World Autism Day 2016 1
PE001.17 1/2/2017 5s issue=Viceroys of Peru d=Gabriel de Aviles y del Fierro 2
PE002.17 1/2/2017 5s d=José Fernando de Abascal y Sousa 2 0
PE003.17 1/2/2017 5s d=Joaquín de la Pezuela 2 0
PE004.17 1/2/2017 5s d=José de la Serna e Hinojosa 2 0
PE005.17 1/4/2017 6.50s issue=Prehispanic Peruv..l Instruments d=Huayllaquepa de Punkuri 1
PE006.17 1/4/2017 6.50s d=Antara de Caña de Caral 1 0
PE007.17 1/6/2017 10s issue=800 years of Dominicans 2
PE008.17 1/6/2017 4s issue=Peruvian plants dt=Peruvian plants d=Puya raimondii 1
PE009.17 1/6/2017 4s d=Rhizophora mangle (2017) 1 0
PE010.17 1/6/2017 4s d=Cinchona pubescens 1 0
PE011.17 1/6/2017 4s d=Azorella compacta (2017) 1 0
PE012.17 1/10/2017 10s d=Pelagornis
PE013.17 1/10/2017 6.50s issue=Paintings from Cusco d=Patron St Jacob 1
PE014.17 1/10/2017 6.50s d=The bishop Mollinedo shows the Monstrance 1 0
PE015.17 1/10/2017 6.50s d=Saint Christopher 1 0
PE016.17 1/10/2017 6.50s d=Procession of Religious Orders 1 0
PE017.17 1/16/2017 10s d=Coin of 1879 obverse
PE018.17 1/16/2017 10s d=20 Centavos Coin Of 1879 reverse 0
PE019.17 1/17/2017 10s issue=120 years Public Health Service 1
PE020.17 1/19/2017 4s d=Chess painting by Lucas van Leyden
PE021.17 1/19/2017 4s same as prev 0
PE022.17 1/23/2017 9s issue=Blue Heart of Peru against Human Traficking 1
PE023.17 1/23/2017 9s 1 0
PE024.17 1/26/2017 9s issue=Centenary of Pisco Sour 1
PE025.17 1/26/2017 9s 1 0
PE026.17 1/27/2017 6.50s issue=Year of the Sheep 2017 1
PE027.17 1/27/2017 6.50s 1 0
PE028.17 1/27/2017 6.50s d=Year of the Monkey 1 0
PE029.17 1/27/2017 6.50s 1 0
PE030.17 2/1/2017 8s dt=fishes (2017) d=Lebiasina bimaculata
PE031.17 2/1/2017 8s d=Piaractus brachypomus 0
PE032.17 2/1/2017 6.50s d=Panaque schaeferi
PE033.17 2/1/2017 6.50s d=Anisostremus interruptus 0
PE034.17 2/6/2017 8s dt=frogs (2017) d=Ranitomeya fantastica
PE035.17 2/6/2017 8s d=Ameerega pongoensis 0
PE036.17 2/6/2017 8s d=Ameerega parvula 0
PE037.17 2/6/2017 8s d=Excidobates mysteriosus 0
PE038.17 2/8/2017 3s issue=Chifa cooking d=Arroz Chaufa 1 2
PE039.17 2/8/2017 3s d=Sopa Wantan 1 1
PE040.17 2/8/2017 3s d=Tallarin Saltado Taipa 1 4
PE041.17 2/8/2017 3s d=Chi Jau Cuy 1 3
PE042.17 2/10/2017 3s issue=Bicentenary of the Independence of Peru d=Juan José Crespo 1
PE043.17 2/10/2017 3s d=Francisco de Zela 1 0
PE044.17 2/10/2017 3s d=Mateo Pumacahua 1 0
PE045.17 2/13/2017 5s d=Awajún
PE046.17 2016 5s d=Vultur gryphus (2016)
PE047.17 2016 5s d=Podocnemis unifilis (2016) 0
PE048.17 xlink Colnect 761594-INDECOPI_Instutue_for_Protection_of_Intellectual_Rights-Peru
PE049.17 xlink Colnect 880579-Visit_of_Pope_Francis_Ja..Visit_of_Pope_Francis_January_2018-Peru
PE050.17 xlink Colnect 880580-Visit_of_Pope_Francis_Ja..Visit_of_Pope_Francis_January_2018-Peru
PE051.17 xlink Colnect 880581-Visit_of_Pope_Francis_Ja..Visit_of_Pope_Francis_January_2018-Peru
PE052.17 xlink Colnect 880582-Visit_of_Pope_Francis_Ja..Visit_of_Pope_Francis_January_2018-Peru
PE001.18 postage 1/5/2018 3s multi issue=Appari..of the Virgin of Fatima Centenary unwmk 1
PE002.18 1/8/2018 6.50s d=The Holy Cross of Motupe
PE003.18 xlink Colnect 880541-St_Rosa_of_Lima_statue-Saint_Rosa_of_Lima_4th_death_Cent-Peru
PE004.18 xlink Colnect 880542-St_Rosa_of_Lima_portrait-Saint_Rosa_of_Lima_4th_death_Cent-Peru
PE005.18 xlink Colnect 880543-Centenary_of_the_Catholi..ontificial_University_of_Peru_Cent-Peru
PE006.18 xlink Colnect 880544-Centenary_of_the_Catholi..ontificial_University_of_Peru_Cent-Peru
PE007.18 postage 1/11/2018 2s multi issue=120th..y of the Central Post Office Lima unwmk 1
PE008.18 1/12/2018 2s issue=International Decade for Descendants of Africans 1
PE009.18 1/13/2018 2s issue=50th Anniversary of the Pampa Galeras National Reserve 1
PE010.18 1/13/2018 2s issue=UPAEP Regional Postal Design Contest 2
PE011.18 1/15/2018 3.00s issue=50 Years of Inti Raymi Celebrations 2
PE012.18 xlink Colnect 880545-Green-and-white_Hummingb..tional_Year_of_Sustainable_Tourism-Peru
PE013.18 xlink Colnect 880546-Masked_Fruiteater_Pipreo..tional_Year_of_Sustainable_Tourism-Peru
PE014.18 postage 1/16/2018 6.50s multi issue=Ro.. of the Lord of Sipán - Pectoral unwmk 1
PE015.18 1/16/2018 6.50s d=Golden Treasures of the Kings of Sipan
PE016.18 xlink Colnect 880547-Sech%C3%ADn_Casma-Tourism_Ancash_Province-Peru
PE017.18 xlink Colnect 880548-Jancapampa_Peak_Pomabamba-Tourism_Ancash_Province-Peru
PE018.18 xlink Colnect 880549-Hatun_Machay_Rock_Forest_Recuay-Tourism_Ancash_Province-Peru
PE019.18 xlink Colnect 880550-Yaino_Pomabamba-Tourism_Ancash_Province-Peru
PE020.18 xlink Colnect 698498-Oilbird_Steatornis_caripensis-Fauna_of_Peru-Peru
PE021.18 postage 1/19/2018 9s multi issue=Peruv.. d=Taruca Hippocamelus antisensis unwmk 1
PE022.18 xlink Colnect 880551-Ichneumon_Wasp_Sicophion_yana-Insects_of_Peru-Peru
PE023.18 xlink Colnect 880552-Rhinoceros_Beetle_Ancognatha_corcuerai-Insects_of_Peru-Peru
PE024.18 xlink Colnect 880553-Virgin_of_Bethlehem-Paintings_in_Cusco_School_Style-Peru
PE025.18 xlink Colnect 880554-The_Last_Supper-Paintings_in_Cusco_School_Style-Peru
PE026.18 xlink Colnect 880555-Saint_Sebastian-Paintings_in_Cusco_School_Style-Peru
PE027.18 xlink Colnect 880556-St_Peters_Procession-Paintings_in_Cusco_School_Style-Peru
PE028.18 xlink Colnect 880557-Silver-Minerals-Peru
PE029.18 xlink Colnect 880558-Gold-Minerals-Peru
PE030.18 xlink Colnect 880559-Cross_Country_Cycling-Extreme_sports-Peru
PE031.18 xlink Colnect 880560-Kayaking-Extreme_sports-Peru
PE032.18 xlink Colnect 880561-Grand_Cave_of_Huayna_Picchu-Huayna_Picchu_Grand_Cave-Peru
PE033.18 xlink Colnect 880562-Grand_Cave_of_Huayna_Picchu-Huayna_Picchu_Grand_Cave-Peru
PE034.18 postage 2/5/2018 10s multi issue=America 2018 d=Holy Week in Ayacucho unwmk 1
PE035.18 2/5/2018 10s d=Holy Week in Tarma 1 0
PE036.18 xlink Colnect 880563-Great_Marshall_Ram%C3%B3..Friendship_Peru-Dominican_Republic-Peru
PE037.18 xlink Colnect 880564-General_Gregorio_Luper%C..Friendship_Peru-Dominican_Republic-Peru
PE038.18 xlink Colnect 880565-Year_of_the_Rooster-Chinese_Calendar-Peru
PE039.18 xlink Colnect 880566-Year_of_the_Rooster-Chinese_Calendar-Peru
PE040.18 xlink Colnect 880567-Manta_Ray_Manta_birostris-Sea_Life_of_Peru-Peru
PE041.18 xlink Colnect 880568-Smooth_Hammerhead_Sphyrna_zygaena-Sea_Life_of_Peru-Peru
PE042.18 xlink Colnect 880569-Giant_Seahorse_Hippocampus_ingens-Sea_Life_of_Peru-Peru
PE043.18 xlink Colnect 880570-Californian_Needlefish_Strongylura_exilis-Sea_Life_of_Peru-Peru
PE044.18 xlink Colnect 880571-Crossing_the_Andes-Towards_Independency_Bicentenary-Peru
PE045.18 xlink Colnect 880572-Perus_First_Coat_of_Arms-Towards_Independency_Bicentenary-Peru
PE046.18 xlink Colnect 880573-Battle_of_Ayacucho-Towards_Independency_Bicentenary-Peru
PE047.18 xlink Colnect 880574-Puca_Picante-Peruvian_Gastronomy-Peru
PE048.18 xlink Colnect 880575-Menestron_Soup-Peruvian_Gastronomy-Peru
PE049.18 xlink Colnect 880576-Paiche_Cebiche_with_Camu_Camu-Peruvian_Gastronomy-Peru
PE050.18 postage 2/16/2018 5s multi unwmk
PE051.18 2/19/2018 10s
PE052.18 2/19/2018 10s same as prev 0
PE053.18 xlink Colnect 880577-565th_Birth_Anniversary_of_Leonardo_da_Vinci-Peru
PE054.18 xlink Colnect 880578-565th_Birth_Anniversary_of_Leonardo_da_Vinci-Peru
PE055.18 postage 2/20/2018 10s multi issue=Agri..ural Exports of Peru d=Cochinilla unwmk 1
PE056.18 2/20/2018 10s d=cacao 1 0
PE057.18 2/20/2018 10s d=President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski

Prefixes: 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18
Suffixes: .04, .06, .07