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Zone B denom (#36889)

  • NA037.14.jpg
  • NA026.15.jpg
  • NA011.16.jpg
  • NA005.17.jpg
  • NA010.17.jpg
  • NA022.17.jpg
  • Colnect-4877-988-Transportation-History--From-Ox-Wagon-to-Airplane.jpg
  • Colnect-5012-726-Coqui-francolin-Peliperdix-coqui.jpg
  • Colnect-5122-280-Caracal.jpg
  • Colnect-5715-032-Strap-toothed-Whale-Mesoplodon-layardii.jpg
  • Colnect-5843-762-Diderick-Cuckoo.jpg
Desc: Zone B

Currency: Namibian dollar (100c=1$)

Numerical sorting value: 0

Equivalent denoms: $ (1), C (18), Inland Registered Mail (11), Inland Registered Mail Paid (2), Non Standard Mail (19), Non-standard Mail (5), non-standard registered mail (2), Postcard Rate (95), Postcardrate (36), Registered (34), Registered Inland Mail Paid (1), Registered Mail (8), Registered Non Standard Mail (2), Registered Non-Standard Mail (1), Standard (47), Standard inland mail (2), Standard Mail (48), Standard Postage (21), standardised mail (1), Zone A (14), Zone C (8)

Users of this denom: Namibia (20 stamps, 2014-2023)

Used by 20 stamps of Namibia: (See all uses as list)

10/1/2014 Zone B issue=Kingfishers 2014 dt=kingfishers (2014) d=woodland kingfisher (Halcyon senegalensis)
10/1/2015 Zone B issue=Coursers dt=Coursers d=Double-banded Courser
9/30/2016 Zone B issue=Large Canines of Namibia d=spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta)
6/2/2017 Zone B issue=Barbets of Namibia d=Crested Barbet (Trachyphonus vaillantii)
6/15/2017 Zone B issue=Flame Lilies of Namibia d=flame lily - Gloriosa superba
9/29/2017 Zone B issue=Small Canines d=Side-striped Jackal (Canis adustus)
3/12/2018 Zone B issue=Transportation History From Ox Wagon to Airplane
5/18/2018 Zone B issue=Francolins and Spurfowls of Namibia d=Coqui francolin Peliperdix coqui
7/18/2018 Zone B issue=Small Felines of Namibia dt=small felines of Namibia d=Caracal caracal
3/19/2019 Zone B issue=Whales 2019
4/25/2019 Zone B issue=Cuckoos of Namibia d=Chrysococcyx caprius (2019)
4/2/2020 Zone B issue=Woodpeckers dt=woodpeckers d=Campethera bennettii
8/20/2020 Zone B issue=Kites of Namibia dt=kites of Namibia d=Elanus caeruleus
3/16/2021 Zone B issue=Snipes of Namibia dt=snipes of Namibia
7/14/2021 Zone B issue=Barleria Flowers of Namibia d=Barleria craveniae
7/14/2021 Zone B issue=Barleria Flowers of Namibia d=Berleria clamarensis
10/12/2021 Zone B issue=Mustelids
2/17/2023 Zone B issue=Ground Pangolin
2/17/2023 Zone B issue=Crakes of Namibia d=Crecopsis egregia
8/1/2023 Zone B issue=Sengis d=Macroscelides micus