Standard Postage denom (#29239)
Desc: Standard Postage
Currency: Namibian dollar (100c=1$)
Numerical sorting value: 0
Equivalent denoms: $ (1), C (18), Inland Registered Mail (11), Inland Registered Mail Paid (2), Non Standard Mail (19), Non-standard Mail (5), non-standard registered mail (2), Postcard Rate (95), Postcardrate (36), Registered (34), Registered Inland Mail Paid (1), Registered Mail (8), Registered Non Standard Mail (2), Registered Non-Standard Mail (1), Standard (47), Standard inland mail (2), Standard Mail (48), standardised mail (1), Zone A (14), Zone B (20), Zone C (8)
Users of this denom: Namibia (21 stamps, 1996-2000)
Used by 21 stamps of Namibia: (See all uses as list)
10/17/1996 Standard Postage dt=Early pottery
2/6/1997 Standard Postage issue=Khauxalnas Ruins dt=Khauxalnas Ruins
5/15/1997 Standard Postage issue=Endangered Species - Jackass Penguin d=Spheniscus demersus (1997)
5/15/1997 Standard Postage issue=Endangered Species - Jackass Penguin d=Spheniscus demersus (1997)
6/12/1997 Standard Postage dt=Small Wildcats d=Value: 50C - Caracal caracal
7/11/1997 Standard Postage issue=Greeting Stamps - Flowers d=Catophractes alexandri (1997)
7/11/1997 Standard Postage issue=Greeting Stamps - Flowers d=Crinum paludosum
7/11/1997 Standard Postage issue=Greeting Stamps - Flowers d=Gloriosa superba (1997 Namibia)
7/11/1997 Standard Postage issue=Greeting Stamps - Flowers d=Tribulus zeyheri
7/11/1997 Standard Postage issue=Greeting Stamps - Flowers d=Aptosimum pubescens
10/9/1997 Standard Postage issue=Stamp Day 1997 d=Value: 50C
10/10/1997 Standard Postage dt=trees (1997 Namibia) d=Guibourtia coleosperma
11/3/1997 Standard Postage issue=Christmas 1997 d=Numida meleagris (a)
11/3/1997 Standard Postage issue=1997 dt=flora and fauna (1997 Namibia) d=Agapornis roseicollis (1997 Namibia)
11/3/1997 Standard Postage issue=Animals and the 25th Anniversary of Communique of Shanghai - Self-Adhesive Stamps d=Value: 50C - Agapornis roseicollis
11/27/1997 Standard Postage issue=10th Anniversary of the Death of John Muafangejo
1/15/1998 Standard Postage issue=Gabriel B. Taapopi d=Gabriel B. Taapopi
3/23/1998 Standard Postage issue=World Water Day 1998
5/14/1998 Standard Postage dt=shells (1998 Namibia) d=Patella ganatina
6/5/1998 Standard Postage issue=World Environment Day
3/1/2000 Standard Postage issue=2000 surcharges d=Gloriosa superba (2000)