Short desc: 1922a
Issuer: Austria
Dates: 1922 - 1924
Consists of 38 stamps: (See stamps as list)
1/2kr olbis d=agriculture
1kr brn d=symbols of labor & industry
2kr bl d=symbols of labor & industry
2 1/2kr orgbrn d=agriculture
4kr dlvio d=symbols of labor & industry
5kr graygrn d=symbols of labor & industry
7 1/2kr grayvio d=agriculture
10kr cl d=symbols of labor & industry
12 1/2kr graygrn d=agriculture
15kr blgrn d=agriculture
20kr dkbl d=agriculture
25kr cl d=agriculture
30kr palegray d=symbols of labor & industry
45kr palered d=symbols of labor & industry
50kr orgbrn d=symbols of labor & industry
60kr yelgrn d=symbols of labor & industry
75kr ultra d=symbols of labor & industry
80kr yel d=symbols of labor & industry
100kr gray d=agriculture
120kr brn d=agriculture
150kr org d=agriculture
160kr yelgrn d=agriculture
180kr red d=agriculture
200kr redcar d=agriculture
240kr vio d=agriculture
300kr bl d=agriculture
400kr grn d=agriculture
500kr yel d=agriculture
600kr sl d=agriculture
1924 700kr brn d=agriculture
1924 800kr vio d=agriculture
1923 1000kr vio d=symbols of labor & industry
1923 1200kr carrose d=symbols of labor & industry
1924 1500kr org d=symbols of labor & industry
1923 1600kr sl d=symbols of labor & industry
1923 2000kr dpbl d=symbols of labor & industry
1923 3000kr ltbl d=symbols of labor & industry
1924 4000kr dkbl pc=bl d=symbols of labor & industry
All are dt=symbols perf=12.5
Issues with this name: Argentina, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgian Congo, Danzig, Estonia, Far Eastern Republic, Gambia, Germany, Guatemala, Italian offices in the Turkish Empire, Jordan, Malta, Memel, Russia, St. Helena, Siberia, Turkey in Asia